Chapter 15

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•Thursday, February 20th•

      It was a beautiful clear day in Gotham, which was very unusual, and I spent it inside the dance studio for my private lesson. Disappointing I think so, I decided to just take a shower at the studio since I was the only person still there.

       I had wasted the whole day inside and now I have to walk out to my car in the dark which thinking about the last time I did that I wasn't too excited about. I found my car from inside the studio and then rush to it and climb inside quickly and the car with me inside it.

       I sigh in relief but then notice a note taped to my rearview mirror. I take the note down and open it.

'Don't forget to smile - J'

'Who is J and why won't they leave me alone?' I think angrily to myself and look in my rearview mirror and nearly gasp as I think I see a figure standing behind my car so I quickly start the car and sure enough it was a male standing there watching me

       I quickly drive away from the studio and when I get the apartment I run until I'm in my apartment. I lock the front door and jog to my room and get ready for bed even though I'm positive I won't be sleeping tonight.

'What the hell is wrong with Gotham City?' I wonder in horror and everything I've dealt with in this city that has never happened to me before

- - - - -

•Sunday, February 24th•

       After what happened last week I have been on edge have whenever I go somewhere I either have Taylor or Jessica and sometimes Tim with me because I'm honestly terrified after what happened last week.

       I am currently going for my daily run, the only thing I'm ok with doing on my own since it's early in the morning and in a heavily populated park. I decided to take a water break by a bench under a beautiful willow tree.

       I smile as a woman sits next to me with her dog. I decide to talk to the woman and pet her dog for a little bit while I cool down.

"What's her name?" I ask


"Awe that's adorable" I gush to the dog as I pet her

"Do you have any pets?" the woman asks

"Unfortunately not my parents think they're too messy," I answer

"That's a shame you seem like the perfect dog owner" The woman complimented

"Thank you, well I should get back to my run, it was nice to meet you and your dog," I call out as I start running again

       I was running and singing along to my playlist but nearly stumble when I notice an odd-looking woman watching me from behind the bushes. She was wearing a jester outfit decked out in black, red, and white. She also had odd tattoos covering her body.

       When I decided to walk towards her she turned around and walked away but before she disappeared I could tell she was sad like she was longing for something.

'Odd' I think but continue on with my run deciding it was just the daily Gotham City crazy


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