Chapter 4

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•Saturday, October 26th•

       I have gotten used to my new life in Gotham city quickly and thanks to Taylor I know my way around Gotham Academy. It didn't take me long to figure out that Taylor is a preppy girl but still pretty down to earth. I still don't understand why Jessica hates me so much but I guess I'll find out at some point.

       Taylor and I are walking around Gotham trying to figure out the best way to spend our weekend together.

"We should go to this really cute cafe that I saw driving to my grandparent's house once... OH or we could go see a movie what do you think, which one?" Taylor asks excitedly

"How about both" I suggest

"GENIUS" Taylor calls pointing at me causing people to glance our way in annoyance "let's go to the cafe first I am DYING for some coffee"

"Alright but decaf please, you're already bouncing off the walls," I say raising a brow

"Fine fine FINE" Taylor says dramatically once again earning us annoyed glances

       We walk towards the small cafe at the edge of the block and Taylor was right it was a cute and cozy little cafe from its' vintage decor to the small fireplace on the east side of it. We take a seat at one of the wooden tables against the wall in front of a large window and looked over the menu.

"Hi my name is Meghan what can I get for you ladies today?" a sweet and plump lady asked us taking out her notepad to take our orders

"Can I get a caramel latte please?" Taylor asked kindly and the lady nodded jotting her order down "Oh and a chocolate chip muffin"

"And for you hun?" The lady asked turning to me with a smile

"Can I get a pumpkin spice frappe and a slice of pumpkin bread?" I order with a smile

"Sure hun," she says jotting down my order "can I get you two anything else?"

"No thanks, that's all," I say handing her our menus and she walked away

"You sure about that hun?" Taylor mimicked jokingly causing us both to chuckle at how the lady unconsciously treated me as a child

"Haha very funny, I can't help that I'm adorable," I say with a smirk making Taylor rolls her eyes our playful banter was short lives as we hear the sound of the doorbell go off signaling someone's entry

       My curiosity peaked and I turned to see who the person was. It was a boy about my age taking a seat in one of the tables not too far from us. He had clean cut raven hair and light blue eyes, his skin was fair and he had dark circles under his eyes.

       I watch him order a double shot of espresso with a kind smile. He was kind of cute I won't lie but I doubt I'd have a shot with a boy like him, he seemed popular since a woman secretly took his picture from her seat.

"Alright here is your caramel latte and muffin and your pumpkin spice frappe and pumpkin slice hun, enjoy." the lady said placing our drinks down in front of us

"Thank you," I say smiling up to the lady

"You are very welcome," she said happily and walked away

"Ok, I know we're relaxing but let's finish our homework before we go to the movies," I suggest and Taylor groans loudly catching the attention of the boy

"You know it concerns me that you WANT to do homework right now." she grumbled and I tried to get her to shut up or at least quiet down

"Because I don't want you calling me at midnight to help you again," I say taking out my Stats book and open it to the homework page that I was almost finished with

       After almost an hour of helping Taylor with her history homework, I had to use the restroom due to the coffee I had consumed earlier.

"I'll be back I have to use the restroom," I tell Taylor who nods as she focuses on one of the problems needed to be solved

       I walk to the restrooms and nearly bump into the boy from earlier and it's safe to say we were both surprised to see each other.

"Oh sorry" I mumble looking down trying to hide my blush

"It's ok I should've been paying more attention," he said awkwardly moving to the side to let me through

"Thanks" I mumble and walk into the girl's room

'Well that was embarrassing' I thought to myself as I walk out of the restroom and back to Taylor after doing what needed to be done

"Hey what took you so long?" she asked

"I was fixing my hair" I whisper to her nodding my head to the boy who was quietly doing his homework

"So you wanna see a movie now?" Taylor asked hopefully

"Sure," I say as we leave the cafe and I notice the boy had already left

"So what movie are we going to see?" I ask curiously

"You'll see" Taylor answers with a smirk


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