Chapter 33

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•1 Week later•

~ Tim pov ~

'I can't believe I couldn't have seen it before... It all makes sense now; Why Joker is terrorizing her how her adoptive parents fix into the matter... I'm not sure what to think anymore.' My mind is spinning as I look over all the evidence We had gathered about this situation.

       I can't get it out of my head and I've been avoiding Hayden because I'm nervous that I'll break and tell her everything and I can't risk that. I don't know if how to feel about any of this: a part of me feels betrayed but the other realizes it's not her fault, none of it is, and knows that I love her and she loves me as well. My mind is at war with itself and it's unclear which side is winning.

       Now I spend most of my time in my room thinking things over or in the cave trying to solve this nightmare case so everything can go back to the way it was before this happened.

~ Hayden pov ~

       Of the course of the time I've been here, Tim has lessened his visits with me. I understand that he must be stressed but I can't help but feel that he doesn't like me the same as he used to. After every one of his occasional visits, I can't help but wonder when he'll decide to break up with me.

       To entertain myself I often talk with the others around the manor; out of all of them I find Jason to be the most refreshing because with him you know exactly where you stand and he doesn't beat around the bushes with it.

"So you're on good terms with all your ex-girlfriends?" I ask Dick seeing him smile

"Yeah " Dick answered with a smirk

"How?" I asked confused and curious to know his secrets

"Be honest with them and don't treat them like they're fragile, girls hate when guys do that." Dick answered taking a bite of his cereal

"But what about you I heard you used to move a lot, that must've been hard." Dick explained

'He's not wrong especially in a breakup.' I confirm in my head

"Wow, you got it all figured out don't you?" I say more than question and see Dick only responds with a light tap of his pointer finger on his temple in a knowing way

       Dick and I continue to talk about random things when we see Damian enter the kitchen. We watch as he grabs his protein shake from the fridge and stan next to Dick on the other side of the island.

"Drake still confining himself in his room like a child?" he questioned before taking a sip of his protein shake

"He's probably just stressed I'm sure he has his reasons." I say with a smile but only receive a 'TT' in response

"Yeah Little D, Timmy's been taking this case pretty hard." Dick said looking at Damian who didn't seem fazed

"And it isn't for Chesney?" Damian questioned glancing at me

"How can it be it's not like I even know what's going on?" I answer calmly leaning back in my chair

"I know it doesn't seem like it but we have your best interest at heart." Dick replied before leaving the kitchen leaving just me and Damian

"I trust you are putting the information to good use" Damian said calmly not looking at me

"Wh-waht I-I don-" I stutter until I'm interrupted

"Did you really think I wouldn't see you hiding at the top of the stairs? I'm a highly trained assassin." Damian states more than questions raising his brow as he glanced at me

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask curious why he wouldn't tell the others, because from Tim's description of him he's quite the tattle-tail

"I believe you have the right to know. You've been stalked for an entire year, you should know why it's happening and whose behind it." Damian answered leaving the kitchen

       Since I've met Damian I've had neutral feelings for him: I didn't hate him but I also didn't think of him as a friend, but I definitely think of him as a friend now. Who knows the consequences for what he did for me and yet he did it anyway because I wanted me to know.

       I head back to my room to continue looking over the items in my box. After a while I decided to take a break so I just read 'The Face on the Milk Carton' again because it was a really good book and since it's part of the evidence it's like hitting to birds with one stone.

- - -

       I was half-way through the book when everything started to connect in my head. I'm adopted and my parents never told me. The first note I ever got was from a woman, no doubt, and they knew my birthday and what school I go to.

       This may sound far fetched but the reason The Joker is stalking me is because he knows I'm adopted and knows my biological parents... they work alongside him... and they want me back.

'It all makes sense that explains the first note, the book, and they keep leading me to the abandoned warehouse because that's where my parents are hiding out.' I conclude in my mind just before it all sinks in and I seem to lose track reality

'Should I tell Tim? No, he probably already knows and I risk them finding out I easedropped.' I think to myself as I try and figure out what to do

'Maybe I just have to keep quiet about the situation until it's solved because I'm sure they already know what I'm just putting together now.' I conclude to myself and lay back on my bed just letting my thoughts run wild


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