Chapter 40

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•1 week later•

"Do you know the alternative name for the Joker card?" Joke asked with a sinister smile

"Wildcard" I mumble looking up at him

"Yes very good, do you know what that means?" he questioned teasingly

"Unpredictable" I answer looking him in the eye

"I knew you would understand it. You see I'm the Clow Prince... I'm the JOKER. Unpredictable is my specialty." He announces proudly

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask with a glare

"To remind you that if I don't get what I want I can be very... unpredictable." He teased pulling out scissors and playing with them in front of my face

"It's bittersweet, isn't it, daughter dating Daddy's enemies..." Joker said with a smirk as he walked in

"We're not dating" I grumble sadly

"Oh but you still love him, don't you? Why else would you come here, risking your life, for him." Joker questioned with a knowing smile

"When will you let me see him?" I ask as I glare at him

"Patience Princess, first you're going to tell me what I want to know first." Joker said pulling up a chair in front of me

"Which is?" I question with a glare

"Who is Batman and where is his lair?" Joker asked leaning back the chair relaxing

"..." I keep quiet knowing I can't trust anything he says or promises

"Come on don't be shy, tell Daddy." Joker encourages with a smile as he leans forward

"If you could just let me see-" I try to reason

"I want answers first" Joker cuts me off in annoyance

"I-I don't know" I whisper looking down

"Princess don't make it any harder for the little bird than it has to be. Now tell me the truth or little bird's wings will be clipped." Joker threatened with a sinister look as he snaps scissors in front of my face making me flinch back

"I don't know" I plead as tears run down my face and he leaves in a rage throwing the scissors down breaking them

       I slide the scissors closer and manage to lift them with my foot to my hand where I can start cutting the rope off. I know I already have bruises from how tight the rope was bound around me and could feel the irritation of my skin.

- - -

~ Tim's pov ~

       I was beaten pretty badly, bruises covering my body starting from my head down. There was a minor set back with the mission but we stopped the human trafficking and there were no fatalities. I walk up to my room tiredly almost wishing the mission wasn't over because that's the only time where I could get Hayden off my mind.

       I go to my desk drawer expecting to see my phone right where I had left it but it was gone, someone took my phone.

"Damian, Jason have either of you seen my phone?" I question


"Why would I touch your belongings, Drake?" Damian questioned as he walked passed

"I don't know it was right here but now it's gone. Maybe Hayden knows where it is." I suggest grabbing my keys

"Why would she know?" Damian asked

       In all honesty, I doubt she would know what happened to the phone but I'm using it as an excuse to see her. I have been trying to give her space since the fight or well, breakup, to her calm down, but I have to see her it's been weeks since I've talked to her, I miss her.

- - -

       When I pull up to Hayden's dorm building I see Taylor and Jackson talking to two investigators one being Dick. I run up to him.

"Dick, Dick what's going on?" I ask as he turns around with a sad look

"Hayden's been missing since Friday three weeks ago. Her friend said when she and her boyfriend got back to the dorm Saturday morning the door was wide open and Hayden was gone; she left her phone behind." Dick whispered the last part to me sticking something in my pocket

       I look down and see that it's Hayden's phone.

"Her cars not here so whatever happened she left the dorm in a hurry before she disappeared. We tried to contact her parent's but they're missing too" Dick informed quietly so no one else would hear

"That's all I can tell you now go home" Dick informed giving me a nod and I run back to my car and get to the Manor as fast as I can

- - -

"Hayden is missing! She's been missing for three weeks." I say as I enter the Manor and I see Bruce

"You said her situation wasn't high risk, you said she would be ok! Joker has her and it's all our fault!" I shout angrily

"Tim calm down we know who has her all we have to do is figure out where they are." Bruce explained calmly

"She's been missing for three weeks, how do we even know if she's alive still?" Damian questioned but Jason elbowed him

"Dude, seriously?" Jason whispered referring to Damian's insensitive question

"No he's right, who knows what happened to her, what's happening to her." I say angrily as tears start to trickle down my face and Bruce surprisingly wrapped me in a tight hug

"What if she's dead and it's my fault" I whisper shakily

"It's not your fault" Bruce whispered

"I'm the reason she left... the time we talked was our argument," I say

"You mean her chewing you out for being an idiot" Jason corrected much to my annoyance

"Thank you, Jason" I sarcastically grumble in annoyance and he gives me a thumbs up

"We'll find her Drake" Damian said actually placing his hand on my shoulder in sympathy before walking away leaving everyone in the room stunned

       I walked up to my room and started looking through her phone and found myself scrolling through her pictures. There were a few of us smiles or cuddling and some selfies of her and her friends and a couple of just her. I scrolled once more and once looking at the picture my body froze as I felt a burning in the back of my throat; It was a picture of Hayden and I sitting not far from the concessions with a Gatorade and pretzel making cheesy faces.

'I miss you' I desperately in my mind but something caught my eye. It was a video made in a dark area, a warehouse, but not just anyone where I found her jacket at. I tap the video and turn up the volume to hear Joker talking about some kind of gas that he would use on me.

'The Joker wants me to be like him... He knows one of these times Batman will kill him so he's going to live on through a different person... That's psychotic... and genius, but mostly psychotic.' I think in a panic realizing I have to show the other this video

       I notice that she had answered a call from the same night she went missing, but I was still on the mission and didn't have my phone. That means Joker has my phone and if we're lucky he still does so I can track it.


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