Chapter 25

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~ Saturday ~

       I wake up with a spring in my step until a pillow was thrown at my face.

"Go back to bed it's 6:30 in the morning and stopping being happy this is college," Taylor grumbled

"And give me back my pillow" She added holding her hand out for the pillow with her eyes still closed

"Fine," I say handing her the pillow and just to be a shit I smack her on the butt causing her to shoot up like the 4th of July

"Oh, you're up want to help me make muffins?" I ask innocently

"I hate you" Taylor grumbles before falling back onto the bed making me chuckle at her sluggishness

       I brush it off and start making the muffin baker deciding to make chip chocolate chip muffins because they were simple and delicious. I put the muffins in the oven and set the timer and make myself some coffee.

- - - - -

~ - Tim's pov - ~

       I wake up at 7:23 and see the dorm is a complete mess. There was a half-empty pizza box on the floor, dirty clothes everywhere, and it smelt like dirty gym socks.

"Oh my god, I have to clean this before Hayden gets here," I mumble to myself and jump out of bed quickly but being careful to not step on the gross pizza on the floor which was the first thing to go.

       I run around like a maniac cleaning everything that I didn't think was clean enough for Hayden to see, which was everything in here. I did all the laundry cleaned all the beer cans out from under Max's, my roommate, bed. I opened the window hoping it would get rid of the horrible stench in the room which it didn't.


"She's going to be here soon and I haven't even gotten ready" I mumble to myself in horror

"I have to go get an air freshener or frebreeze SOMETHING!!" I say nervously grabbing my keys and running out the door

"But first I have to brush my teeth and put on a shirt" I mumble to myself as I jog back into the dorm and brush my teeth and throw on a shirt

- - - - -

       I bought both frebreeze and an air freshener just to make sure that the smell is gone because of God Damn. I quickly spray the dorm and turn on the freshener and quickly jump in the shower and get myself ready.

       When I get out of the shower walk out I see Max sitting in the bean-bag in front of the tv playing video games.

"What are you doing here?" I ask nervously glancing at the clock


"Oh Katelyn is on her period so I'm not going over," Max said stuffing his face with chips

'Think fast, you gotta think fast. Hayden's going to be here any minute and you definitely don't want Max being here and ruining everything.' I think to myself

"Dude... *Thinking* She's on her period and you're just going to leave her?" I ask as if it was the end of the world

"Uhh... yeah, why???" Max asked confusedly

"If there is any time when you have to spend all day with your girlfriend it's when she's on her period!" I shout as it were obvious

"Really?" Max asked not totally believing what I'm pulling out of my ass

"Uh yeah... Here look I'll you a list of what you need to bring her that'll make her happy but you have to promise you'll be with her all day... I don't want you two breaking up." I say sincerely

"Why?" Max asked curiously as I wrote the list

'So I can have Hayden over without you being there'

"Because... I ship you guys... Yeah, you guys are like couple goals." I say in fake excitement

( The List)

- Tampons
- Chocolate
- Soft blanket
- Flowers
- Cramp relief
- Cute movies

"Ok you have to bring these, now go make your girl happy!" I say in excitement and see Max rush to grab his keys and wallet in excitement

"I believe in you man!!" I call out as he shut the door

"Ok that problem is gone now I need to set up the first movie and get the snacks out... I hope Max didn't drink all the soda in the fridge." I mumble to myself closing the window and setting up the movie and make the popcorn


"Ok clean dorm, shower, soda, popcorn, chips, Max gone.... what am I getting?" I mumble to myself


"PANTS!" I shout and rush to put on a pair of gray sweat pants I had previously lain on the bed to wear

       With my rushing to put the sweats pants on, I fell on the floor and just shimmied them on from the there and rushed to the door as I zipped them up.

"Coming!" I call as I jog to the door but take a minute to make myself seem casual and open the door

"Hey," I say with a wide smile as I see Hayden standing at the door wearing black leggings and a gray jacket

- - - - -

~ - Hayden's pov - ~


       I am standing at Tim's door adjusting the plate of muffins that I made so that I could knock on his door.

Knock... Knock

'I hope he doesn't mind me being a few minutes early.' I think to myself as I hear a thud in his dorm

"Coming!" I hear him call through the door

'Did he fall?' I think to myself curiously

"Hey," Tim says with a wide smile as he opens the door and my face goes beet red

"H-hey," I say giving him a shy smile

'He is shirtless... Oh my god, he is shirtless and ripped... oh my god oh my god, don't look at it.' I scold myself as I tear my eyes away from his perfectly toned fair-skinned abs as I see Tim look down

"Oh god, I'm sorry I can go put on a shirt," Tim said as he cringed at himself if that's even possible to do.

"No no you're fine... I uh made muffins, I know you said not to bring anything but I kinda felt bad not bring something when you invited me over. They're chocolate chip." I say with a shy smile holding them out to him

"Wow thank you you really didn't have to do this but I will definitely accept them... Are these freshly made?" he asked with a wide smile

"Yep just made them this morning," I say proudly

"Oh uh come in, do you want something to drink?" he asked as he set the muffins down on the counter

"Oh sure," I say with a smile as I look around

       His dorm room is oddly clean like just freshly cleaned I was expecting items to be shoved under the beds and it to smell bad but it actually smells really good in here.

"Here uh make yourself comfortable," Tim said guiding me to his bed that was perfectly made

       I jump onto his bed because it was kind of high up and Tim sits down and adjusts so we have pillows to leans against and blankets. I smile as he places a bowl of popcorn between us and a bag of chips next to him.

"I really liked the first movie better, well the first of the story, not the first movie because the one was like in the middle of the series," Tim explained and pressed the play button and the theme song started

       Throughout the movie, Tim would laugh and explain things to me that I didn't understand and he was very patient with me and smiled anytime I asked a question. Halfway through the series, I cuddled up against Tim laying my head on his chest. I let my fingertips gently rub shapes on his chest as I watched the movies curiously.

'I don't want this moment to ever end.' I think to myself dreamily


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