Chapter 5

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•Thursday, October 31st•

"Are you sure you don't just want to stay the night, it's blacker than my coffee out there," Taylor said lifting her Starbucks to me as I grabbed my keys and bag

"Your "coffee" is just creamer with a splash of coffee," I say rolling my eyes at her poor attempt of a joke

"Yeah, and it's darker than my coffee outside." Taylor stayed as if that actually made sense

"Right... I'll see you tomorrow" I say opening the door to leave

"Be careful" Taylor says as I walkout

"Don't worry I have a flashlight? Happy Halloween." I say with a playful smirk turning on my phone light as I leave

       I guess I must've taken a wrong turn because I ended up on the other side of the apartment build in the north parking lot. Thinking nothing of it I walk around the building heading towards the south parking lot where my car is parked.

       I hear heavy footsteps behind me and quickly whip around to see a large man holding a half-empty beer bottle. I back away from him being able to smell the alcohol on him from the distance we were even now.

"You're a pretty little thing aren't ya," He asks as he stumbled towards

"Please get away from me," I say calmly as I took a step back with every forward's step of his

"Come on I know you want to have a little fun, don't ya?" He said more than questioned as he cornered me

"No, I really don't now get off!" I shout trying to push him away

"Oh come on don't be that way" He growled leaning his face down to my neck and taking in my scent

"Get away from me you perv!" I shout trying harder to push him off

       The drunk was ripped away from me causing me to stumble forwards due to his hold on me and I saw a seemingly tall and muscular male knock the drunk unconscious and set him down on the ground before turning to me.

"Try to be more careful next time," The boy said as he looked down at me and I froze

"W-who are you?" I ask curiously

"Robin" He answered simply

"Thank you" I reply softly but he heard me and disappeared with only a small nod of acknowledgment

'Creepy... Odd this happened on Halloween of all nights.' I think to myself as I jog to my car hurriedly start the car

- - - - -

•Friday, November 1st•

       I walk through the halls and into my third-hour class Chemistry, hoping to avoid Jessica because that time she managed to lock me out on the roof.

     I noticed that I was the first one in the classroom so I sat in the middle of the room and got out my homework from last night.

       I watched as my fellow classmates file in and nearly drop my textbook on the floor when I see the boy from the cafe walk in and take a seat just before Taylor sits next to me.

"Dude your mouth is hanging open" she whispered to me and quickly close my mouth "What's your problem?"

"Who is that?" I ask tilting my head to the familiar boy

"You like him?" Taylor teased

"What? No, I've just seen him before." I admit

"Obviously, he's Tim Drake," Taylor says matter factly

"Is... that supposed to mean something?" I question arching my brow

"Tim Drake. Bruce Wayne's 3rd ward, billionaires son. He's only on the news like every other week. He is totally hot but a total nerd so not my type." Taylor said as if it were the worst thing in the world

"You make that sound like a bad thing," I say raising a brow

"Hey if you like socially awkward nerds be my guest; However, I have a finer taste in men," Taylor said sticking her nose in the air

"Right because the ticket booth boy was so much classier than the ward of a billionaire" I tease chuckling slightly

"Your just jealous because he was checking me out and not you," Taylor said with a smirk

"Oh yes, however, did you know?" I question sarcastically

"Are you free after school today? Because we seriously need to practice the last routine for the competition next week." Taylor asked

"Sure until 5, I have an early curfew" I answer taking out my notebook and ready myself for class

"You have a curfew of 5 pm?" Taylor questioned in distaste

"Look it's a new thing for me too. My parents have been on edge since we moved here. I have to send my parents update messages, my parents want to meet all my friends and their parents, and no windows allowed open past 5 pm." I explain to Taylor who looked horrified

"I think I just forgot what fun is listening to that" Taylor remarked

"Very funny, but I'm serious they've never been this strict before," I say

"I get all the others but no windows open past 5 pm?" Taylor questioned

"When I asked they said they didn't want alley cats coming in the house," I say with a sigh


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