Chapter 42

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•Next night•

       I was sitting quietly in the center of the warehouse still chained to the chair. I know that Tim will save me and my parents, I just need to be patient.

       There were gunshots sounding from outside and I smiled knowing exactly who that was. I look and see Tim opening the window.

'Wait so whose outside?' I think curiously as I see Tim climb down carefully then blowing a powder revealing all the invisible wires around me

'When did those get there?' I wonder as I watch Tim come towards me avoiding all the wires until he at my side

"Don't worry I'm getting you out of here." Tim whispers as he unchains me and I look outside to see Damian fighting Joker and winning

"Red, get her and get out of here!" Damian called to Tim as he kicked Joker in the face

"My parents" I say worriedly as I try to stand but my legs are weak from sitting for at least three weeks

"Jason and Bruce got them from the docks a few minutes ago." Tim explains as he picks me up and climbs up to the window he came in from and we see Damian tie Joker and Harle up with rope

       In the distance, I could see police lights flashing as they came towards the warehouse as Tim put me in the batmobile and Damian climbed in behind me.

"Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" Tim asked worriedly checking me over as my eyes started to droop

"Tim?" I whispered softly as I started to fall asleep seeing Tim lean in towards me in worry

- - -

(3 hours later)

      I groan as I feel just how sore my body is and open my eyes to find that I'm in a cave, the Batcave I assume. I lift my head up with some restraint and see Tim resting his on the table I'm laying on with his hand enveloping mine.

"... Tim?" I whisper my voice hoarse and see him slowly wake up

"You're awake... Goodmorning" Tim whispers kissing my kneels before leaning up and kissing my forehead

"W-what happened?" I ask curiously as I look around

"You lost consciousness from malnourishment," Tim said sadly

"Thank you, for saving me" I whisper with a tired smile

"It's my fault this happened to you in the first place. I shouldn't have said that you're dense because you're not you are the smartest person I know. If I had just told you the truth..." Tim said holding my hand closer to his mouth as he started to tear up

"I agree you shouldn't have said that but we can't change what you said." I say with a tired smile

"It's not your fault this happened to me. It's mine, he tricked me I should've known better." I say turning to face him and pull our intertwined hands towards my chest

"Hayden, it's not either of our fault it's his for doing this to you." Tim corrected running his hand through my hair

"I'm sorry I couldn't open up to you. I'm sorry I'm not a good boyfriend. I should've been honest with you and not let my emotions build up." Tim apologized in guilt

"Tim you have nothing to apologize for. I understand you have a hard time expressing your feeling, but I'm always here and ready to listen if you need to talk about something and you are the best, most amazing, boyfriend and I couldn't imagine anyone better than you." I say placing my free hand on his cheek and smile watching as Tim slowly nods chuckling

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