Chapter 11

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•Wednesday, January 8th•

       Tim and I were sitting next to each other studying for the exam in two days. I was doing with flashcards with him.

"An organic molecule that contains at least one C = C ( carbon-carbon double bond )" I say quizzically to him with a small smirk

"Alkene" Tim answers with ease

"Ok that's another perfect... how do you remember all that?" I ask setting the cards down to look at him

"I don't know I just study them," Tim says simply

"ok your turn," Tim says taking the cards with a smirk and I sigh

"Relax you got all of them right you just mix up the last four so we'll start with them this time," Tim says simply as if it weren't a big deal

       I should probably also mention that we've been doing flashcards for the last half hour.

- - - - -

"Wait, you've never seen Star Wars?" Tim questioned in disbelief and I just shake my head

"Sorry no" I apologize sheepishly

"That's- how?- That's crazy, you have to watch it. You have never lived unless you've seen it!" Tim exclaims causing the librarian to 'shush' us and me to chuckle

"Ok I will when I find time for it," I say with a sigh

"What do you mean?" Tim asked

"My dance coach cracking down on getting me in the studio for practice so I barely even have time to eat after school now." I simply "Which is fine, I mean it's part of dance"

"Another competition?" Tim questioned

"Um kind of I guess... I and two others got a 'gig' to dance at half-time for an NBA game" I say looking down rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly

"That's awesome when is it?" Tim asked curiously

"Um it's Friday night," I say

"This Friday?" Tim asked shocked

"Yeah, why?" I ask curiously

"Because Bruce is taking me to the game Friday" Tim informed

"That's awesome I guess I'll see you there then," I say feeling an uncontrollable smile creep across my face until I'm distracted by my phone buzzing

'Mom - Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes I want you home by then.'

"I um... I have to go, but thank you for helping me study." I say standing up showing him my phone and pack my stuff

"Oh yeah no problem," Tim said with a smile as he stood up with me

"Oh, I never did ask you how you got my number or knew where I lived?" I say nonchalantly with a smile

"Taylor gave me your number and address," Tim said chuckling

"Makes sense" I mumble

"Um, I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?" I ask nervously wondering if I had crossed a boundary

"Yeah see you then," Tim says and I walk away waving to him

~ - Tim's pov - ~

'I am such an idiot... Why did I tell her I was going to the game, I don't even have tickets.' I scold myself slouching down in my seat putting my hand over my face

'God I just get so flustered whenever she is around. I swear half the time my brain isn't even working when I talk' I growl in my mind as I pull out my phone as I walk out of the library

"Tim do you need something?" Bruce questioned over the phone and I could tell he was stressed by the tone of his voice

"Um, actually I was hoping we could hang out Friday night at the basketball game... Friday night, this Friday night?" I asked curiously as I accidentally emphasize Friday

"This sudden desire to go to a basketball game doesn't have anything to do with a girl does it, Tim?" Bruce questioned and I could hear the smirk plastered on his face

"What? No, I just- I have an exam that day I figured I could some de-stressing after and thought the game would be... fun." I say slightly regretting my words because I've never been a big fan of basketball

"Alright I'll the ticket for Friday night," Bruce said

"Thank you"

"Is that all?" Bruce asked

"Go out to dinner that night too, maybe?" I suggest hoping he would actually agree to it

"...fine, I have to go though I have a meeting in a few minutes, I'll see you at home Tim," Bruce informed



       When the call ended I fist pump the air like a total idiot but quickly regain myself and readjust my uniform before finding where Alfred parked.

~ - Hayden's pov - ~

       When I got up to my apartment floor I noticed the door to my apartment was kicked down and I race inside the house to see it was trashed and Mom was patching Dad's shoulder up.

"What happened?" I ask looking around in horror

"An intruder, your father fought him off though. The man was clearly drunk." Mom said seriously as Dad winced

"Well did you call 911 he could come back," I say panicking

"I wouldn't bet on it I busted him up quite a bit," Dad said cockily

"Honey calm down he won't come back he was very drunk and thought this was his apartment, he probably just lives in an apartment nearby," Dad explains

"But from now on I want you to carry pepper-spray with you from now on." Mom demands before turning to the kitchen

"Oh dinner is ruined" Mom complained sadly

"Mom why do you order take out and Dad and I will clean up around here" I suggest and Mom smiles

"I'm ordering Chinese. I'll just count it as another cheat day." Mom says with a smirk

       I was cleaning up the hallway and notice my bedroom door was open. I push the door open further and look around my room cautiously. I turn to my reading chair and see my brown leather jacket isn't resting on it anymore.

'Mom must've washed it?' I think curiously pushing that thought aside and going back to cleaning the house and thankfully as we finished our dinner arrived.

'I guess now I know why Gotham has its' reputation' I think to myself taking my orange chicken


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