Chapter 22

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~ 2 days later ~

       I wake up still tired from organizing all my things, last night, for class today. My first AP Biology class in college. I roll out of bed with a thud as I land on the ground.

"Dude stawp, it's too early, goes back to bed," Taylor grumbled rolling over in her bed

"I can't I have class," I mumble walking into the bathroom brushing both my hair and teeth before making myself some breakfast with a large cup of coffee

       Once I finished my bowl of cereal and coffee I get started on my makeup and getting dressed. I chose to be a bit bold and wear black stalkings, a black skirt, pastel pink sweater that I tucked into the skirt, and the anchor necklace Taylor gave me last year for my birthday. I do light makeup just mascara, concealer, and lip gloss nothing too extravagant

       I leave my hair be and smile at my appearance. I grab my bag and start my travels to the science section of Ivy University. I'm excited for class and hopefully, there are no more surprises, I don't think I can handle any more surprises this week.

       I walk into the large room with rows of tables filled with people talking amongst each other. I take a seat at the middle table so I wouldn't be easily noticed by either other students or the professor. I allow my right leg to sit on my left crossing my legs as I lean back in my seat scrolling through Instagram waiting for class to start.

       The two guys behind me started gossiping about however just walked in and I, as bored as I am, listened silently.

"I didn't know Wayne's ward was going to be in this class." the scrawny brunette boy whispered to the blond

"I know, he's more muscular than on tv. We should make him our friend." The blond said with a smirk

"Yeah a rich boy would be nice and a one-way ticket to babe-central. Oh, by the way, did you get the cheat codes for Fortnite last night?" the brunette asked curiously

"Yeah I had to barrow my grandma's printer to print them out." the blond said taking out sheets of homework

'Babe-central? Grandma's printer? No wonder these guys don't have girlfriends they say shit like babe-central.' I think to myself while rolling my eyes

'Wait Wayne?... Please tell me it's another Wayne Ward, not the Wayne ward that I know.' I plead to myself as my eyes nearly pop out of my head and I quickly glance to the entrance

       Sure enough, it is the Timothy Jackson Drake. His hair a bit shaggy no longer the clean-cut hair as high school. The ink-black color of his hair seemed to shine under the classroom lights. I saw him start to turn his head in my direction and I quickly ducked down getting on all fours on the ground, like it was a tornado drill fast.

       I could feel the two boys behind me looking at me oddly, which is understandable, but I didn't care. I heard someone clear their throat and chuckle.

"Whatcha doin?" that oh so familiar melodic voice asked with a clear smirk plastered on his face

"Umm... I- dropped... my pen" I say awkwardly but find a pen on the ground and pick it up with an awkward smile "Got it"

       I slowly stand up and dust myself off hearing the two boys behind me chuckle and sit down in my seat awkwardly not looking at him while I could still hear him chuckling at my stupidity.

"This seat taken?" He asked and I was about to answer but the blond from behind me beat me to it

"Nope it's all yours bro." the brunette smacked the blond's shoulder giving him an annoyed look as Tim had one brow raised but didn't make a move to sit down

"Um go ahead." I say gesturing to the chair next to me awkwardly once again causing him to chuckle as he sat down

"You wouldn't happen to be trying to hide from me Little Miss Detective, would you?" Tim whispered into my ear softly and I could smell his minty breath and cologne from how close he was

"W-what? N-no no no, not at all." I stutter nervously as I can feel myself blush a dark shade of red as I look at him nervously causing him to chuckle once more with a smirk plastered on his perfectly clear face

"Now that's how you get a babe" the brunette mumbled causing us to glance back at him with raised brows and he gives Tim a thumbs up

       We turn back to look towards the front when the professor walked in getting started with the lesson immediately. Tim and I took quietly took notes and every-so-often one of us would make a whispered joke to the other. It almost felt like nothing ever happened between us, almost.

- - - - -

"So how's life?" Tim asked rubbing the back of his neck standing in front of me as I leaned against the wall in the busy halls

"Wow, how long did it take you to cook that one up?" I ask sarcastically while chuckling as I noticed him blush a bit

"Longer than you'd think" he mumbled looking down at his feet with a blush

"I guess life's been good. I was in a couple music videos, just for dancing, nothing too exciting." I say simply

"Are you kidding that's fucking awesome" Tim called with a bright smile and I looked at him astonishedly

"What?" he asked awkwardly

"I've never heard you swear," I say then give a knowing smile

"I guess we haven't spent much time with each other." Tim said but then realized what he said and his eyes widen

"Yeah, so what happened? You kinda just cut me off completely. Did I do something wrong, I wasn't going to tell anyone, I won't tell anyone." I whisper to him pleadingly hoping for an answer

       He looked around then grasped my wrist gently and guided me in a direction and pulled me into the janitor's closet with him. We were chest to chest he looked down at me and I looked up to gaze into his brilliant blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry I did that to you. I-I just thought it would be safer if you weren't close to me." Tim said sadly looking away

"Safer for me or you?" I ask curiously

"For us both I didn't want you getting hurt back you knew my secret... I should've been more careful." Tim said, more mumbled, to himself

"Tim it's ok, I'm fine." I whisper to him

"No, you didn't get an explanation for five months because I thought I was doing the right thing-" Tim rambled on beating himself down and I just couldn't take it anymore and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly

       I felt Tim relax into the hug and wrap his arms around my waist holding me tightly against him. I felt myself start to tear up as I held him tightly in my arms as he did the same to me. It almost felt like time had stopped and we were all that existed, just him and I.

"I missed you" I whisper softly into his ear

"I missed you too, and if you're alright with it maybe we could get coffee together sometime" Tim suggested lifting his head off my shoulder

       All I do as a response is silently nod against his chest as I continue to hug him. I hear him chuckle and place his chin on my head.

"Unfortunately I have an engineering class but I'll talk to you later, ok?" Tim said gently pulling me back with a smile

"Promise?" I joke but secretly plead and he nods with a kind smile, the same kind smile I received when I first met him

"I promise" he said kissed the top of my head before leaving

       H-he kissed me... on the head, but it counts... he kissed me' I think excitedly in my mind ready to do a happy dance but the door quickly opens and I'm face to face with the janitor

"Um... Wait, this isn't the band room" I say awkwardly "Yeah-ok bye"


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