Chapter 32

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"I got this 'Happy Birthday' note in my locker the day of the dance team send-offs. Umm, Monday, December 16th I went to the book store and bought this book but I drop I dropped during the fighting and never found it." I explain moving the small neatly folded note on the metal table for all the boys to see

"Wednesday, January 8th: someone broke into my house with my parents still in it and took my jacket, which was found in an abandoned warehouse close to the national park." I say moving the note and pulled out my jacket

"How do you remember these dates exactly?" Damian questioned accusingly

"I wrote them on the back and most of the events were scary enough to remember." I admit having this be the first time I actually admitted to being scared of what was happening

"Thursday, February 20th: is the night some strange guy stood behind my car watching me and I found this note (Don't forget to smile - J' was on my rearview mirror." I say getting back to the evidence

"This guy... what did he look like?" Bruce questioned

"It was hard to see because it was dark but he was tall maybe around Jason's height but he big..." I say remembering just how terrifying the man was

"Big? Like fat or ripped?" Jason questioned seriously but everyone gave him an annoyed glance

"Ripped definitely... he kind of looked like the same guy from the book store. The voices were very similar." I say looking down but Tim held my hand comfortingly

"I thought whoever was sending these had gotten bored and stopped but a few weeks ago at the library, I found my book again in one of the shelves and a note was in it saying 'Forgetting something?'" I say holding the note subconsciously longer until I realize I was still holding it and place it on the table

"Damn..." Jason mumbled

"A few days ago one of my friends came to the dorm and wanted me and another friend to help her get dirt on her abusive father. We agreed, we knew he was a drug dealer or dealer of some sort, so we followed him to an abandoned warehouse. He was working with some guy My friend called... The Joker?-" I say curiously

"Oh Jesus Christ" Dick mumbled ducking his head to his palm

"We some took picture of the of them talking and 'The Joker' mentioned about some kind gas that he was going to use." I say glancing at all of them before pulling up the pictures and video

"When I told Tim about all of this someone left this on my door." I say holding up the picture of Jessica and I hiding behind a crate just before we left and 'I spy with my little eye - J' written underneath

"Thank you, Hayden, we'll out who this person is." Bruce said handing me back all my items

"Don't you want to use them?" I ask curiously because these are evidence handwritten notes from the stalker

"No photographic memory I'm sure you're tired so go up get something to eat and get some sleep." Bruce said guiding me out of the cave

'Something seems off. They seem to be in a hurry like they know something; But why wouldn't they want the evidence.' I think to myself going upstairs

"Are we going to tell her or let her find out for herself?" Damian questioned nonchalantly as it didn't matter either way and I froze

"I think we should it'll calm her mind... a little." Dick responded as he leaned against the control table

"Not yet we still don't know exactly why Joker is after her." Tim answered sternly

"But don't you think-"

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