Chapter 28

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~ 1 week later ~

Timmy boy - R u free during lunch?

Me - Yeah why?

Timmy boy - Well because I would like to take you on a lunch date if that's alright with you.

Me - Sounds perfect 😁

Timmy boy - Great I be there in 15 min😁

Me - 🥰👌

- - - - -

       Tim has taken me to a very nice and elegant restaurant. We talked about all sorts of things ranging from our studies to our families.

"So they actually got you stuck in a cabinet?" I ask trying not to laugh

"Yeah not the best experience ever but at least it was the snack cabinet," Tim said blushing while rubbing the back of his neck

"Your brothers sound so funny" I admit chuckling at my boyfriends' misfortune

'Wow, my... boyfriend, it feels funny to say but a good funny' I think to myself

"Yeah, they're quite the characters. Maybe you'll meet them some time." Tim said with a slight smirk

"Hopefully" I say with a smile until I see a female with long light blond hair pulled into high pigtails with blue and red dyed tips

'Why does that look familiar?' I wonder to myself as I look for the persons face but she had turned around as I caught sight of her but I did notice odd tattoos covering her body

'That can't be the same woman from the park last year, can it?' I wonder to myself as I continue to look at her

"Hayden, are you alright?" Tim asked in concern

"Huh, yeah I'm fine I just- thought I saw an old classmate. I don't think it was them though." I say looking back at him with a smile

"Are you sure you're ok you shamed... shaken." Tim says wearily as if I would react badly to what he says

"No no I'm fine. I'm sorry continue on." I politely gave him my full action as he cautiously continues on with what he was saying probably not believing my lie

- - - - -

       Tim had dropped me off back at the dorm almost an hour ago so I had spent my time reading the book that this 'J' thought was important enough to give back.

"Hey, were you here all day?" Taylor asks tiredly

"No Tim and I went on a lunch date" I answer simply flipping the page

"Oh exciting, tell me everything!" Taylor squeals but I continue to read my book

"Well he texted me and asked if I had plans, I said no of course. He took me to a nice restaurant and we just talked the whole time, it was nice." I say smiling at how sweet Tim is

       That's one thing I know about him that not many see. He really is a sweet person he just has trouble expressing his feelings well, that's why most people think he is condescending.

"Ugh Boring! All you guys ever do is talk. I should start asking you this stuff at night so it can put me to sleep." Taylor says in annoyance as she lays back on her bed

"I think it's sweet, he wants to know about my day and I like to hear about his." I say with a smile

"Yeah that's cute but don't you ever just want to, I don't, spice things up?" Taylor questions desperately

"Look I like yours and Jackson's relationship, I do. I just don't know if I like that for Tim and I. I mean all you guys do is, have sex." I say

"You say that like it's a bad thing? But we don't always have sex just most of the time." Taylor says with a raised brow

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