Chapter 37

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•1 week later•

~Hayden's pov ~

       Tim's constant calling stopped after a day and a half then after that nothing. I had mixed feelings about it: maybe he really didn't like me anymore, maybe he's trying to give me space, or maybe he's hurt or busy... My mind comes up with ten news 'What Ifs' with every hour that passes and it's driving me crazy.

      A few nights ago I tried to call Tim but never got an answer and even texted him a few times but again never got an answer. Everything has gone back to normal aside from that: I attend my classes, hang out with my friends, and dance to try and focus on something other than Tim but it never works for long.

      I always find myself glancing back at where he used to sit or the table we always sat at in the library; I would even think back to when we first met and all our crazy adventures, well... mine that Tim saved me from.

      Jessica told me that during the time I was with Tim and his family she went to the police about her father and now they're looking for him but I guess he skipped town later the same night. But even through all this whirlwind of heartbreak and confusion, there was one thing that kept nipping at Hayden's brain.

'What secret was he talking about? Could it be my knowledge of him and my biological parent's plan or... Bruce's secret identity?' I wonder but knew exactly what secret he wanted to know

'But how did he know I knew who Batman really is?... Why would he let me know his plans against Batman and Robin? Something doesn't feel right about this.' I anxiously think to myself as I sit staring at the words in my book not bothering to try and read them

- - -

"Did you call your parents?" Taylor called from the kitchen as I sat on my bed



"Because I wouldn't know what to say: Telling my parents of 17 years that I know I'm adopted, that I have a stalker, and that the stalker is working for my biological parents." I say exhaustedly

"Well I'd start with a greeting first" Taylor joked and I grumbled and covered my head with a pillow

"Jackson and I are going on a double date with Jessica and Max are you going to be ok here alone?" Taylor asked with concern as she adjusted her dress

"Yes I'll be fine, I'm not a child. Go, go have fun." I say with a tired smile as take out my laptop to watch something on Netflix

"Ok, there is leftover pasta in the fridge for dinner." Taylor informed while looking at me like I was a chipping piece of glass until there was a knock at our door

"Hey Baby" Jackson says kissing Taylor's forehead as he walks in with a smile holding flowers for her

"Hey Hun, these are beautiful I'll put them in water." Taylor says admiring her beautiful flowers

"Hey Chesnut" Jackson says coming to be next to me leaning his head on my shoulder to watch Stranger Things with me

"Hey Jackie" I say with a tired smile

"You should come hang out with us." Jackson suggested with a kind smile

"Not tonight but sometime yeah, that would be great." I say with a smile

"Oh, I almost forgot... a flower for you." Jackson took out a flower from behind, it was the same as one of Taylor's flowers a pink lily and I smiled taking it

"Thank you Jackson, that's very sweet." I say smelling the flower and hold it in my hands gently

"You deserve it" he said with a smile

"Hey, Hun you ready to go?" Taylor asked as she walked in and saw us smiling at the flower

"Yep" Jackson said getting up and hugging her from the side

"Have fun" I call to them still holding my flower as they wave goodbye

- - -

      It's been two hours since Jackson and Taylor left and I had already eaten and am now wallowing in my self-pity no longer entertained by watching Netflix I am sitting on my bed glancing at my phone every few minutes.

     After realizing he wouldn't call me I gave up and laid back in bed to sleep but then I heard my phone buzz. I quickly pick up the phone and see the caller ID and answer the phone.


"And here I thought you didn't want to talk to me." I say sassily unable to control my feeling of hurt: hurt that he hadn't called sooner or answered my texts.

"Oh no Princess, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while." A new voice sounded from my phone speaker

"Who is this?" I ask suddenly feeling my heart pounding in my chest

"You know who I am. I hear you and Red Robin have become quite the pair. We found him in Brazil, now if you would like him back you will do as I say." The man threatened

"I don't believe you, I'm not doing anything for you." I say and I can hear a frustrated growl from the other side of the phone until I hear a gunshot and muffled screams

"Be a good girl or the next one goes through his skull" Joker threatened and I start tearing up

"Please, please don't hurt him. I'll come. Please just don't hurt him." I beg hurriedly as I start to tear up more as I can still hear screams of agony

"Good, you know where to found us... oh, and don't bring your phone, the signal is terrible here." Joker teases giving a maniacal laugh before hanging up the phone

       I stand in shock as I slowly let my phone drop before everything processes in my head, Tim's in trouble. I throw my phone on the bed and get dressed and run out the door not even bothering to close the door as I run to my car.


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