Chapter 9

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•Friday, December 13th•

"Why are you at a book store on a Friday night?" Taylor complained over the phone

"Because I really want this book," I answer rolling my eyes as I scan the shelves

"You couldn't have waited for a night that I was busy?" Taylor complained again

"Taylor my life doesn't revolve around you," I say rolling my eyes again

"Well not with that attitude" Taylor jokes and we both chuckle

"What's the name of the book anyway?" Taylor asked

"'The Face on the Milk Carton'" I answer as I go down another isle

"Wow... why do you like weird books?" Taylor questioned, "Why not Twilight or Divergent?"

"They aren't weird books they're mystery and I've already read Twilight and Divergent both endings were very underwhelming for me," I explain

"I found it... If you want I can come over and hang out after I pay for the book." I suggest

"Nah it's fine I wouldn't want to inconvenience you," Taylor said with playful hurt

"I'm sorry but I really wanted this book and I can always hang out all day tomorrow," I say

"Fiiinnnnee" Taylor draws out with a sigh

"You are so dramatic" I mumble

"I know that's why I'm in theater" Taylor fires back

"I know I went to the last play 'Little Shop of Horrors'" I say rolling my eyes

"Can you believe they tried to make me the plant?" Taylor called out angrily

"Nope... Wait do you know if Jessica is in theater?" I ask curiously

"No, she would rather die than be in theater... her words not mine. A little dramatic if you ask me." Taylor answered

"Umm... I have to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow, ok?" I say

"Ok bye," Taylor says and ends the call

"That'll be $5.79," The cashier says boredly

"Here," I say handing her $6

I say thank you and walk out into the dark Gotham City night trying to find my car. I hit the lock button trying to look for the blinker lights of my car.

I finally found my car parked in the darkest corner of the parking lot. The odd thing is I don't remember parking this far I remember parking in the center parking spot.

Something about this just doesn't feel right to me so I am trying to hurry to my car before something bad happens. I jog as fast as I can with my heels hoping to not attract unwanted attention.

I was three steps away from my car when I feel something grab a hold of my wrist and rip me back causing me to drop all my items. I tried to flail around hoping they'd lose their grip on me.

"Let. Go of me," I growl turning around a stomping as hard as I can on the obvious male's foot

He yelped and let go of me momentarily allowing me to run towards my car and tried to find my keys to unlock the door but he regained himself to quickly and yanked me back by my wrist again.

I was lifted off the ground but the man suddenly dropped me when he growled as if something had hit him in the head.

"Sorry I don't think you're her type," the masculine male voice said startling me a bit as I pull myself away from where I sat not letting my eyes off the men that fought in front of me

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