Chapter 36

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       Jessica and I walk tiredly to my dorm to see a 'Bug Inspection' sign hanging on the door. I tear the sign down and throw it in the trash and walk in the dorm with Jessica once again being very confused behind me.

       I kick off my shoes and put on comfortable clothes and make some tea.

"Ok I'm going to tell you everything but you have to promise me one thing first... You can't tell anyone because if you do you'll be putting me and yourself in danger ok?" I tell her and she nods

       I tell her everything excluding the fact that Tim and his families secret.

"Ok it all makes sense except why you went to the Wayne Manor, shouldn't you've gone to the police instead?" Jessica asked sipping her tea

"Tim's older brother is an investigator for the police it was easier to go to him directly" I answer smoothly

"Did they find out whose behind it?"


"Is the person in jail then?" Jessica asks


"So why are you back then?" Jessica asked in concern

"Because Tim was lying to me and I won't stay under the same roof as someone who thinks I'm quote on quote 'Dense'." I said bitterly and Jessica shakes her head

"I really thought he was a good match for you" She mumbled

"So did I" I mumble

"Maybe he was just doing it to protect you?" Jessica suggested

"Maybe but he didn't have to claim I was dense to his family." I grumble and lay back on my bed hearing my phone ring for the fifth time today

"You should answer his calls" Jessica tried to reason

"After that stunt, I should block his number" I say in annoyance as I decline the call

"Do you want me to stay with you, I mean it's got to be pretty scary knowing your stalker is out there and you being adopted." Jessica said clearly unsure whether she believes all this

"No I'm fine Taylor is coming back tonight so I'll be fine." I say holding up my phone so she can read Taylor and I's texts

"Ok just call me if you need anything and maybe you should talk to your parents about this I'm sure they have good reasons for why they didn't tell you." Jessica said before

"Bye" I mumble laying in bed curled in a ball watching as my phone buzzed with Tim's caller ID

~ Tim's pov ~

       I feel horrible about what did to Hayden I should've never said that. I should've known better than to think she didn't know what was going on, she's too smart not to. I've been trying to call her ever since she left the Manor in Jessica's car. Every time my call would be declined making me feel even worse than before.

'I'm sure a fucking idiot... God, it's in times like these I wish I was more like Dick, he knows how to communicate his feelings and not say hurtful things.' I think defeatedly until I see Damian and Jason come down the stairs

"Did Hayden leave?" Jason asked

"Yeah" I mumble defeatedly

"Not surprising" Damian replied nonchalantly

"Yeah you've been kind of an ass to her" Jason agreed with Damian

"I know" I answer with my head hung low

"Shame she was actually tolerable" Damian mumbled walking into the kitchen

       I go to my room and slam the door behind me so I could let all my pent up anger and guilt out: throwing books on the floor punching my walls and pulling at my hair until I tire myself out and lay on my bed.

       It seemed like the only thing I could do was call her and hope she'd answer but that never happened. It wasn't until dinner that Bruce told me would be going on an undercover mission with him, Damian, Jason, and a few others.

       When I asked him why all of us were going and instead of one of us staying back to protect Hayden he answered saying: since she hadn't received any other notes from Joker and he hasn't attempted to cause her any physical harm it wasn't essential and could wait.

       Apparently, people are being picked off the streets on a nightly basis so we're going to all the places with the highest kidnappings and leaving tomorrow morning. We're not allowed to bring our phones or contact anyone outside of the mission until we solve it to keep it from being leaked.


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