Chapter 17

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~ Later that night ~

       I was sitting at my desk removing small but valuable tips from the items Jessica and I have been collecting to figure out who Robin is when I see something running on a building across from my apartment.

       Robin, I pretend to not notice him as I carry the papers out of my room and to the fireplace to burn. When I get back I see a large shadow outside my window. I tried to ignore it as I plug my phone in but the shadow started tapping on my window.

Tap...Tap Tap... Tap

       Startled, I walk towards the window cautiously grabbing the bat I have leaning against my nightstand and carefully open the window a little, nothing. I open the window further until it was completely open, nothing still.

"Hello?" I question looking around to find who was tapping on my window

       I sigh when I didn't find anything and went to close the window when a cat jumped out scaring me half to death.

"Oh, it's a cat... good" I mumble to myself as I sigh in relief petting it

"I bet you're hungry aren't you?" I question to the cat who doesn't respond only rubs itself against my hand

       I go to the kitchen and grab some cold chicken and shredding it hoping the cat wouldn't be picky about what it eats and as I set the bowl down the cat immediately dives into the food and licks the bowl clean when it finished.

"Wow you really were hungry" I mumble as I look for a name tag on the cat but couldn't find any so I took it inside and fed it some more chicken and made it a small bed with blankets and pillows before going to bed myself

- - - - -

~ Tim's pov ~

       I was running patrol as usual when I notice the light in Hayden's apartment window was on and I could see her shuffling through papers.

       Almost like a magnetic attraction I found my way to her window and peeked in. She wasn't there anymore.

"Maybe I just missed her...' I think to myself as I was about to grapple away I see her walk-in

       An instant smile stretches across my face and I tapped on the window without thinking.

Tap... Tap Tap... Tap

'What am I thinking I'm not Tim I'm Robin and she is going to be very confused when she seeing Robin stopping by for a visit.' I think to myself as I hurriedly find somewhere to hide as I see her coming towards the window... with a bat

       She opens the window slowly and looks around. I manage to hold myself up against the fire-exist pushing my back flat against the down of the patio of the stairs

"Hello?" She calls out hoping for an answer

       A cat pops out of its' hiding spot behind a flower pot and rubs against Hayden's arm purring. I smile as I watch Hayden feed the cat but my smile quickly turns into fright when I feel my hand start to slip.

'Oh god, please don't fall. Please don't fall.' I beg to my body as I nervously watch Hayden pet the cat

'This is adorable, really but if you could go inside and, I don't know, not notice me fall on my face, that would be great.' I think desperately as my hand slips even more

       Thankfully Hayden takes the cat inside and closes the window so I can get down from this cramped hiding spot and leave without embarrassing myself.

'Well that was close' I think as a grapple to the opposite building and continue patrol as normal, with the exception of scolding myself for doing that in the first place

- - - - -

•Saturday, March 20th•

       Taylor and Jessica were talking about the Wayne gala and Robin's fight with Poison Ivy a few days ago but all I could seem to do was sneak glances at Tim.

'How did I not notice the similarity before? I've had two encounters with Robin and plenty with Tim how did I not notice the behaviorism before?" I mentally scold myself

'Because Robin and Tim don't act the same. Robin is more stern and cocky whereas Tim is sweet and goofy.' My brain countered

"Are you going to stare at him all day?" Jessica questioned unamused

"I swear I see holes on him from where you were staring" Taylor joked

"I'm not staring" I defend but both look at me in annoyance

"- I was observing" I correct

"Ok well, can you stop observing and just talk to him like a normal person?" Jessica sassed

"I might be able to fit that in my schedule" I joke with a smirk as Taylor gets up to dump her tray

"Hayden, don't think I want to know who Robin is anymore?" Jessica says shocking me a bit

"What why not?" I ask curiously but internally thankful

"I guess just knowing who he just makes it more real. It makes all the villains in Gotham real and I already live with one demon." Jessica admits

"I just heroes have an identity for a reason and I don't think uncovering what they've tried to hide is a good way to repay them for what they've done," Jessica adds

"Wow that was deep... but I agree I think it's best that we leave it be," I say and Jessica and I nod in understanding

'At least I don't have to worry about that anymore' I think to myself mentally sighing in relief as Taylor comes back to the table

"Hey did you ever find your leather jacket?" she asks as I am once again glancing at Tim

"What?" I question turning back quickly

"Your brown leather jacket, the one that I wanted to borrow for my date with Jackson. The one that went missing. That leather jacket?" Taylor asks

"Oh, I forgot about that. No, I haven't found it yet but I'll tell you when I do." I say taking a bite of my salad awkwardly

"You're acting weird" Jessica says looking at me

"Yeah are you alright?" Taylor questions feeling my forehead

"Yeah I'm fine I just- have a lot on my mind right now is all," I say with a sigh eating my food to keep them from asking any more questions


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