Chapter 24

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~ 1 week later ~

       Taylor, Tim, and I have started spending almost every night together either in Taylor and I's dorm or in Tim's dorm just hanging out together. Of course, Taylor wasn't too fond of Tim at first and always referred to him as 'Nerd' but she got over that... kind of.

       Taylor and I went to a small coffee shop downtown for breakfast because she wanted and I quote 'More edible breakfast' that's her way of saying...

"I burnt the last of our bread in the toaster and don't want to admit it."

"So you and Tim dating yet?" Taylor sitting down as she handed me my sausage breakfast sandwich and coffee

"What, no! What makes you think we're dating? We're not dating." I say nervously trying to choke down the sip of coffee that nearly drowned me

"Seriously, don't even. I know you have the hots for him and he the same." Taylor said with a sassy eyebrow lift and duck face as she sipped her coffee

"He doesn't like me like that, we're just friends," I say biting into my sandwich

"For now" Taylor mumbled with a smirk

"I heard that" I reply in annoyance

"Tell me again why you're eating a sausage breakfast sandwich, those things are so fatty," Taylor asked in disgust

"First of all, it's amazing and second... I don't have a second It's just really good." I reply sassily as I take a big bite of my sandwich

"Speak of the devil here he comes," Taylor says lifting her cup towards the entrance behind me causing me to whip my head around nearly giving myself whip-lash

'Oh my god, it is the devil... I mean him... I mean it's Tim!!!!!!! And you got a face full of sausage, way to go genius.' My mind screams

       I turn my head back around and chew like my life depended on it to make sure he didn't see me pigging out and all the while I kept mentally scolding myself for taking that big of a bite in the first place as it fought my jaw.

"You ok you look like you can't breathe," Taylor asked calmly as she watched me try to choke down the bite of sandwich in my mouth and all I could do as a response was give her a painful thumbs up

"You better hurry he's almost here" Taylor warns taking a sip of her coffee calmly and from the sparkle, in her eye, I could tell she was enjoying this

       I finally choke down the sandwich with a loud and painful gulp as Tim comes to our table next to me. I could feel my eyes tearing up because of the sandwich.

"Hey, how you guy- Are you ok Hayden?" Tim immediately asked with concern lacing his voice as he looks at my watery eyes

"Oh she's fine," Taylor says with a small smirk as she held her coffee

"Oh, I'm fine though feels like I just swallowed my dignity," I say rubbing my throat gently

"Are you sure it looks like you were crying?" Tim said gently turning my head to see if I had any visible injuries which I didn't unless you looked in my mouth and throat and probably even my stomach

"I'm fine really so what have you been up to?" I ask changing the subject as I dabbed the tears from my eyes

"Nothing really just studying for engineering-" Tim said until he was cut off by Taylor

"Ugh boring... Oh, look there's Jackson, conveniently, see you guys later!" Taylor called walking away with Jackson who smiled as they had their small conversation

"Well... Anyway, how about you anything new?" Tim asked turning away from Taylor as she left

"Not really we're choreographing a new dance but that's just for the state competition," I say smiling as he sat next to me watching me with kind and gentle eyes

"So um I was thinking since tomorrow is Saturday and neither of us have classes maybe you'd like to come over to my dorm and you can finally watch Star Wars," Tim suggested nervously as he fiddled with his fingers

"Just you and me? *Tim nods* Hmm... I'd love to what time should I come over?" I ask excitedly

"You can come over at noon my roommate will be spending the with his girlfriend so we'll have the dorm to ourselves." Tim said with a kind smile

"Awesome noon it is... want me to bring over any snack?" I ask curiously

"No you don't need to bring anything just yourself is great... I mean is fine." Tim said hurriedly making me chuckle at just how adorable he is

       Tim and I talked for hours at the cafe just enjoying each other's company and when we finally decided to leave we walked around the park. I noticed a large bruise on his clavicle and unconsciously pulled his shirt down a bit startling him.

"Is this from... your late-night activities?" I ask curiously gently caressing the bruise his clavicle, it looked fresh blue and red. It looked as though someone had punched him, hard, in the shoulder

"Yeah turns out Scarecrow doesn't like to be corner." Tim says with a sigh and I fixing his shirt for him giving a small apology for pulling it down in the first place

"It's alright" Tim said with a small smile

"So do you go out every night?" I ask curiously

"No my brothers and I have shifts. Tonight Demon has it." Tim mumbled

"Demon?" I ask curiously with a raised brow

"My... little brother..." Tim says defeatedly

"Why do you call him 'Demon'?" I ask

"He's not exactly the warmest kid" Tim replied

"Oh, how's Dick?" I ask curiously

"He's fine he's working his way up to be a detective, go figure right?" Tim said as it were funny

"And he is... Nightwing?" I question quietly enough so no one would hear

"Yeah he was the original and now Jason, the second, is Red Hood." Tim explains in a whisper

"Wait Jason is alive? I thought he... well you know." I say awkwardly

"Yeah that's what we thought to but I guess he was saved by some reviving pool." Tim said

"Wow this is really confusing... it almost seems like something you'd see on tv." I mumble and Tim nods in agreement

"You don't know the half of it." Tim mumbles then looks down at me with a smile

"What?" I ask curiously tilting my head to the side like a puppy

"We should get frozen yogurt!" Tim said excitedly as he pointed to the frozen yogurt shop

"Actually that sounds really good" I say smiling until he drags me into the shop where we create our own cavity in a cup... with strawberries.


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