Chapter 30

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~ 2 nights later ~

       Jessica went back to her dorm at her community college to look over the evidence that I sent to her and Taylor is staying the night at her boyfrie- finances dorm so I'm alone in my dorm to do as I please and wear what I want so I wore booty shorts and a crop-top that shows off my whole stomach.

       I decided to take a nice long bubble bath, with candles and Netflix *I was treating myself* and I made my favorite food for dinner and then started thinking about all the dark things could be behind this 'J' person. Yeah, it was a pleasant night *until that*.

       I felt a brief soft breeze graze my skin but thought that it was just my skin since I just recently got out of the bath. I turned around to sit on my bed and almost through my phone out the window when I came face to face with a shadowy figure by my window, as we all know I don't have a good history with shadowy figures.

       I froze like a stone, unable to speak, as I watched the figure. It stepped out of the dark seeing my terror when I saw the face behind the shadow I physically relaxed.

"You the door works just fine, at least then I won't have constant heart attacks" I grumble more to myself

"You wanna tell me what's going one?" Tim questioned as I looked over his suit

       I've never actually paid much attention to it since I'm normally in danger when I see him like this, he wore a black and red cape that resembled wings and his suit was mostly red at the top and black at the bottom. He had a golden tool belt crossed over his thick chest in an 'X'.

"Umm... I... got an A on my semester final?" I say with a small awkward smile hoping to sway him from the subject he clearly was talking about

"That's great darling but that's not what I meant," Tim said in a raspy and low tone as he got closer to me, not in a threatening way just taking a step to be closer

       Before I could try to come up with another way to sway him from the topic there was a knock on my door. Causing Tim and I's head to turn towards it in curiosity and seriousness.

'It's 9 at night, who would be visiting at this hour?' I think to myself as I step towards the door but Tim moves me away and opens the door

      Taped to my door was a note but not just a note a picture as well. The picture was from the warehouse, it was me behind one of the crates taking a picture of Joker and Brick.

'I spy with my little eye - J'

       I grab the note in terror and slump down on the floor and start to tear up. The fear and irritation with this 'J' person are so overwhelming that I can't seem to do anything without having my mind wander towards it.

'Why can't he just leave me alone?' I beg in my head

"Darling what is going on? I need you to tell me so I can help you." Tim said sitting next to me and pulling against his chest as he held me tightly until I calmed down. I stood up and grabbed a shoebox from my closet and set it down in front of Tim.

      Inside the box had everything: every little note, the necklace, and the book.

"Hayden, what is this?" Tim asked curiously with concern lacing his tone

"Everything I've gotten from this 'J' person," I say almost emotionlessly as I stare at the objects coldly

"I got this note the day of the dance assembly with this necklace then this one was in my car a few weeks later and that's when I saw a shadowy figure staring at me from behind my car. Remember that night you saved me from that guy outside the book store?" I ask and Tim nods

"This is the book I just bought that night. I dropped it and couldn't find it. Last week when we were studying in the library I found it hangout of a shelf with this note. All these notes are signed the same 'J'." I explain as I uncontrollable shake in fear realizing this person has been watching me from the start

"Hayden, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Tim questioned in concern as he looked over my evidence

"I'm sorry a few weeks before it stopped so I thought it was a classmate trying to scare me. It didn't again until that night at the library. I-I-I thought I could handle it." I say on the verge of tears again

"Oh come here Darling" Tim whispers guiding me to sit in his lap as he held me tightly to comfort me I glance up and see Tim deep in thought

"What are you thinking?" I ask softly

"Why stop sending notes for months only to start again? That doesn't make sense?" Tim thinks out loud as he runs his hand through my hair gently to soothe me as he looked over the evidence

"From now on I don't want you being alone. This person knows where you live and I don't feel comfortable with leaving you alone here." Tim says calmly to me as he continued to play with my hair

"W-what about Taylor?" I asked worriedly

"We'll tell her the dorm is being treated for insects so she'll have to stay with someone else for a while," Tim explained

"So where am I going to stay?" I say curiously

"We'll figure that out Darling," Tim says taking out his phone

"You may want to get packed because I don't plan on letting you stay here alone tonight," Tim says

"Well, why don't you stay with me tonight and we can go where ever we're going in the morning?" I ask curiously as I grab my suitcase and start packing anything I'll be needing and Tim, of course, had me pack all the notes and stuff

"I guess that's not a bad idea but we leave early in the morning," Tim says as he helped me pack my items until his phone buzzes

"You're welcome at the Manor Alfred is already fixing a room for you," Tim informs as I zip up the suitcase place it by Taylor's bed so I won't forget it in the morning

       I watch as Tim tries to make himself comfortable on the bed but his cape kept getting in the way. I chuckle and go to Taylor's side of the dorm and grab a pair of boys athletic shorts that Jackson leaves here for 'incase'.

"Here I'm sure Jackson won't mind if you borrow his shorts tonight," I say chuckling as Tim gives me a thankful look

"The bathrooms over there have you eaten?" I ask and Tim shakes his head

"I'll warm up some dinner for you while you're changing" I inform as Tim chuckles and heads to the bathroom and I warm him up some of the extra pasta I made for dinner

Tim walked out in only shorts and I nearly dropped the bowl of pasta, I've already seen him like this why am I so flustered now? I set the bowl down for him to eat and lean against the counter.

"Something bothering you darling?" Tim asked with a cocky smirk as he notices me looking him over

"N-no nothing at all... just eat your dinner," I say turning away from him to clean the dishes

       Even while doing the dishes I could see how tired Tim looked. He had dark bags underneath his eyes and his skin looked very pale. I left to go brush my teeth and do the rest of my nightly routine.

       When I finished I saw Tim laying on his back in my bed I could see him trying to fight off the sleep that was clearly pushing to overtake him. I smile and turn off the lights and climb into bed and lay my head on his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms securely around my body making me feel safe and warm.

"Good night darling" Tim whispers placing a kiss on my forehead

"Good night love" I whisper kissing his cheek and playing with his hair gently until we are both fast asleep


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