Chapter 26

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~ 2 days later ~

       It's early morning and I feel completely drained of energy. I nearly slept through my alarm except Taylor was SO kind as to smack me in the face with a pillow. Now I sit like a corpse at our small table eating my pop tart and drinking apple juice.

"So how'd your date with Tim go?" Taylor asked excitedly since yesterday she had worked so she couldn't ask me

"It wasn't a date but good Star Wars is actually a pretty good movie," I say tiredly sipping my apple juice

"He asked you to come to his dorm, just you and him, to watch Star Wars... and you don't call that a date. I bet he even cleaned the dorm... did it smell fresh, I bet it smelt fresh... he wanted to impress you." Taylor gushed

"We're just friends he probably just cleans his dorm clean and fresh," I reply trying to convince myself more than Taylor that he didn't like me like that, I don't think I can deal with heartbreak again

"Hayden he is always asking you to do stuff. Always findings ways to hang out with you, alone-" Taylor says until I interrupt

"That's because you're not that nicest to him" I correct

"Ignore that; He likes you now woman up and ask him out!" Taylor demands to throw her fist on the table to emphasize her point

"Woah Woah Woah, you barely proved your point and now you want me to risk embarrassing myself and ruining Tim and I's friendship to ask him out?" I question trying to wrap my head around this

"Yes" Taylor replies confidently

"I-I I don't know last time I was spontaneous with him he disappeared I don't think I'll be able to handle that again," I admit looking down

"Hayden if you don't do this I can assure you, you will regret never knowing what could've happened between you two. So it is my job to force you to do it so you know and you wind up getting twenty cats and naming them again your favorite tv characters." Taylor ranted

"That's oddly specific, but fine I'll risk my dignity with him," I ask in an annoyed tone

Me - Hey do u want to get some coffee?🤔

Timmy boy - Yeah sure I'll come to pick u up😊

       I give a small nervous smile as I start getting ready for Tim to come to pick me up.

"So... coffee and a confection, I love it," Taylor says with an obvious smirk

"Shut up and don't say anything embarrassing when he gets here," I call to her from the bathroom where I was doing my makeup

       I decided to wear something really nice because my logic says 'He won't reject you if you look really good' as I put a nice white dress and white and a light blue jean jacket and brown boots to complete the look.

       I decided to wear something really nice because my logic says 'He won't reject you if you look really good' as I put a nice white dress and white and a light blue jean jacket and brown boots to complete the look

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