Chapter 27

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~ 1 week later ~

"I still can't believe you actually asked him out!" Taylor gushed during our water break after dancing

"You're the one that told me to." I counter

"Yeah but I didn't think you'd actually do it, you're kind of a chicken," Taylor replies nonchalantly

"Thank you" I answer sarcastically with an eye roll

"Are you guys going on a date tonight, you know, something fancy extravagant rich?!" Taylor questions dreamily

"We're just studying at the library tonight" I correct nonchalantly as I start stretching again

"You're kidding, you're dating Millionaire Jr and your first date is studying... in a smelly old library... Who hurt you?" Taylor questions dramatically

"First of all it's not a date-" I say as Taylor mimics me

"I've heard that before" Taylor grumbles

"I just want to make sure my bestie has a good man. I mean sure he's extremely smart and what not but... he's not exactly intimidating and with your history you need a bodyguard." Taylor explains

"You have no idea just how intimidating he can be" I mumble more to myself

"Are you guys at least planning a first date... you know like something you'd see off Tumblr," Taylor complains

"I'll tell you after we have the date now can we please get back to practicing this choreography?" I question in annoyance towards her many questions

"Ok fine" Taylor grumbled

- - - - -

"I don't even know why you thought you had to study... you know these by heart." I compliment Tim after perfected the flashcards once again

"I'm sorry, we could have been doing something fun tonight, I'm just a little nervous for this test. I haven't had any time to study this past week with... my nightly activities." Tim grumbles sadly but I comfort him by rubbing my thumb over his

"I'm happy to help you. I'm having fun." I say with a smile watching him reflect it kindly

"You are amazing" Tim whispers leaning in and kissing my cheek making me giggle

"Awe thank you, do you want to talk about... your nightly activities, what's wrong?" I ask curiously hoping that talking about it will ease his mind to relax him for his test tomorrow

"More drug busts and there has been no action from Joker since he escaped the asylum which is unusual and has all of us on edge. We can feel that he's going to do something we just can't figure it out what." Tim says giving a sigh and rubbing his face and I rub his shoulder

"I'm sure you'll figure it out soon, you always do," I say with a smile

"Thank you" Tim mumbles kissing my hand gently

"I'm going to get something to eat would you like anything?" Tim asked kindly looking me in the eye

"Hmm... maybe a muffin," I say with an innocent smile causing Tim to chuckle

"Ok I'll get you a muffin," Tim says getting up and going to the small cafe inside the library

       I know how Tim can easily overcome his emotions as if they were controlled by a switch and I understand how sometimes all those built-up emotions can come crashing down on him where he over calculates everything. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if he had never been adopted by Bruce. Would we still have met?

       I turn my thoughts from Tim and towards the isles of books hoping one would pique my interest at least until Tim came back. Wandering the isles nonchalantly until I came to the mystery section where I saw a book half sticking out of the shelf and took it out.

       The book didn't look to be in as good of condition as the others. The cover was worn and had dirt and water stains on it. I turned the book to look at the title 'The Face on the Milk Carton' in shock I dropped the book.

'T-that's the same book... H-how?' I think to myself in complete confusion


"Sorry I don't think you're her type" Robin joked as I pulled myself away from the larger man

       I shakily looked for my keys, the book now long forgotten, in a panic. In the corner of my eye I saw the brand new book laying in  a puddle not far from me.

- - - - -

       Robin disppeared and I was getting in my car again, the bookl long forgotten and drive away but the book was still laying in the puddle.

》Flalshback End《

       I picked up the book but a note fell out. I, hesitantly, pick up the note and fold it.

'Forgot something - J'

'Not more notes I thought when it stopped in high school it was forever over... Who is sending me these notes and why?' I complain to myself as I stuff the note in my bag and set the book beside me to check out

'Tim had already left and I clearly didn't grab the book... who could have: A civilian? Or was it that man that tried to grab me?' I ponder as I look over the book curiously

"Hey" Tim calls softly startling me

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I got your muffin and some coffee." Tim says cheerily with a chuckle

"Oh thank you," I say forcing my anxious down and smiling at him thankfully

"Are you going to check that book out?" Tim asked curiously noticing the worn book

"Yeah I've been wanting to read it for a while," I say referring to how I was going to read it last year but clearly didn't

"Oh don't they have a cleaner copy?" Tim asked looking at the book strangely

"No I already checked, I think this is the only copy they have right now," I answer smoothly and lean against him and we continue to study happily as I pushed the curious thoughts of who is sending these notes and why


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