Chapter 43

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•A few weeks later•

"I'm not angry about what you did but I just need some time and space to process this and figure out what's best for me, I'm sorry. I hope you understand." I say sadly looking at my parents as they stand at the island beside each other

"We understand this is probably very confusing for you and you feel hurt." Mom says holding my hand

"Take as long as you need Munchkin, we'll always be here for you if you need us." Dad says hugging me from the side as I tear up

"Thank you" I say hugging them before leaving the apartment and head to Jessica's apartment

- - -

       I knock on the door and wait for an answer. When she opens the door I envelop Jessica in a much-needed hug.

"How are you feeling?" I ask worriedly

"I'm better, we decided not to do a funeral for him." Jessica said

"I don't blame you guys, how's Max?" I ask

"He's been here helping us as much as he can. I don't know how I got so lucky as to have him." Jessica says as Max appears behind and wraps his arms around her kissing her neck lovingly

"I'm glad you're doing ok, I just wanted to check in before I headed over to Tim's." I say with a smile

"Oh, date night?" Jessica asks with a smirk

"I don't anytime I ask he says it's a surprise." I say chuckling at Tim's goofiness

"Well, you better see your man. I'm sure he can't wait to see you, especially in those jeans." Jessica complimented smacking my butt startling me and making me blush

"Dude" I say in shock

"Oh relax, go have fun." Jessica said and I walk toward my car waving goodbye to them

- - -

       Tim drove us all the way up to a hilltop that overlooked the city and was peaceful as the stars gleamed down on us.

"What are we doing out here?" I ask chuckling as Tim looked excited laying out a blanket and a basket

"A picnic under the stars" Tim said happily making my smile and blush

"That's so sweet Tim" I say grabbing a strawberry and feeding it to him as he smiles and takes a remote and plays soft music

"Wow you thought of everything, I'm impressed." I compliment with a smile as I take a bite of chocolate

"Why thank you Little Miss Detective" Tim teased making my blush remembering the last time he called me that

       We talked and laughed as we our dinner and when we finished we laid back and watched the stars. Until I hear my favorite slow song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran and pull Tim up with me causing him to chuckle. I rest my head on his chest and he rests his on my head kissing the top every once in a while.

"It's taken me a year to realize how I feel about you Hayden, but now I know: That I love you and each day that I'm without you is like living in a black hole: It's empty and lonely. I love you, Hayden Rose Chesney." Tim announces making me hug him tighter

"Tim, I love you more than words can describe" I start with a smile as I look at him

"Then let's not use words" Tim suggests with a cocky smirk as he lays me down on the blanket

'I guess I didn't my Tumblr date after all' I think to myself with a smile as Tim kisses my neck


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