Chapter 45

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•4 years later•

       Tim and I had gotten married and had our honeymoon in Peru and now 4 years later we have a handsome three-year-old son, Jasper, and two beautiful year-old baby girls, Quinley and Marie.

       We just finished their bedtime story for the night and unannounced to them it's the story about our love... they PG version. Tim and I kissed each of their foreheads and made sure their nightlight was on before slowly closing the door bidding them goodnight.

       Tim plops himself on the couch slouching tiredly making me chuckle at his adorable attempt to relax.

"I'm going to get some wine" I say to him as I walk to the kitchen

"Get me some?" He asked hopefully leaning his head to see me in the kitchen

"Of course baby" I say chuckling grabbing to wine glasses and the bottle and bring them to the living room and pour us each a glass

"Ugh, I thought they would never wind down... you know they take after like that." Tim teasingly scolded me making me chuckle

"I'm sorry I can't help that I'm adventurous" I say innocently sipping my wine

"You are lucky you're beautiful" Tim teased with a smirk

"Oh only beautiful?" I tease with a raised brow-raising my glass to my lips

"You know there is a book of all the amazing things about you but I wouldn't want to keep you here for all the days it would take to tell you." Tim said smoothly making me chuckle and rest my head on his shoulder where he lifted his arm to place his hand on my head to play with my hair as we relaxed.

"Odd question but... do you think that locker is still pink?" Tim asks curiously raising a brow looking at me

"You're right that is an odd question... maybe I mean I don't think we'll ever find out though." I say sighing and resting my head against his shoulder again

- - -

~ Years later ~

       I am preparing dinner in the kitchen with Tim sitting across from me at the island as we are expecting Jasper back from his first day of high school anytime soon now.

"3 O'clock... our freedom is almost over." Tim warned looking at his watch

"We still have a few minutes how about we go upstairs..." Tim trailed off with a raised brow as I try to give him a stern look but couldn't help the smile that painted my face

"Jasper is going to be home any minute now help me with dinner and maybe later we'll have all the fun you want." I whisper the last part seductively to him and he jumps up eager to help me make dinner

       I was just putting dinner in the oven when I hear the front door open and close and feet walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, Hun how was school?" I ask with a smile leaning against the counter seeing Tim now sitting and drinking a beer

"Horrible" Jasper grumbled

"The teachers are ruthless they gave us a crap ton of homework on the first day of school and their crapped middle-aged men and women... and if that weren't bad enough my locker is pink." Jasper said flailing his arms in annoyance and Tim spit out his beer and tried to cover his laugh and I put my hand over my mouth trying to cover my chuckle

"I'm sorry Hun on the bright side dinner will be done soon and it's you're favorite tonight." I say smiling as Jasper sighs a bit before nodding and walking up to his room to start his homework

       I turn to look at Tim but before I could think of anything to say just seeing his face made me burst out in laughter.

"I guess you got your answer" I say and he nods repeatedly almost falling out of his chair making me laugh harder but we had to calm ourselves when Quinley and Marie walk into the kitchen

"What's so funny?" they ask in unison

"N-nothing" I say smiling as Tim tries to control his laughter

"Can we play outside for a bit?" Marie asked hopefully as Quinley nodded

"Is your homework done?" I ask and they both nod

"Well then, of course, you two can play outside" I say smiling as I watch them leave out the back door and take out my phone

Me - Hey remember Pinkalicious?

Jessibear - Yeah, good times, why?

Me - Turns out it's Jasper's locker now.

Jessibear - Lol it's a family heirloom

I chuckle and show Tim our text and he laughs as well coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my head and neck adoringly.


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