Chapter 29

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~ Next night ~

Me - Everyone ready?

Taytor-tot - unfortunately

Jessie-bear - Yep Brick left 10 minutes ago

Me - Alright ladies get in positions

     Jessica was driving as I sat in the passenger seat making sure our phones were charges and on silent, don't want any unwanted attention.

"Hey, do you ever wonder if we kept with the investigation?" Jessica asks breaking the silence

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously

"You remember last year how we were hell-bent on finding out Robin's identity?" Jessica questioned and I grew nervous


"Well do you ever wonder what would've happened if we stuck with it?" Jessica asked

"Sometimes but then I remember that it's safer this way... kinda," I say referring to the activity we are doing now

       It was almost 11 at night so it was dark enough that we weren't too worried about being seen but would still be cautious. The old warehouse was in view when we parked the car behind a group of bushes and a large tree.

"This was a bad idea what if we get caught?" Jessica questions nervously as I try to open the door but realize it is locked

"We can't back out now we've gotten this far. All we have to do is get in get the evidence and leave. I promise we won't be caught." I encourage her but after my pep-talk, the door opens and a guy walks out

       I quickly grab Jessica and guide in behind me as the door is closed with a loud and uncomfortable creak. Inside wasn't much brighter than outside only one large and bright light shines at the center of the warehouse.

       The old warehouse is cluttered with boxes of old supplies and mouse traps. The openly clean stop in here was the center of it, once again. I saw people coming in conversing with one another so I quickly take out my phone and wait until both faces are clear enough for the picture.

       One was a large burly man with a shaven head and arms covered in tattoos, he looked familiar, his voice irritatingly familiar with its rough tone and even harsher meaning. Beside the burly man was a much smaller and paler man with lime green hair that could almost resemble a fire in a way and a red smile painted on his face.

"The Joker" Jessica mumbled in terror

'Joker? Must be one of Batman's arch-enemies.' I think to myself as I snap another picture

"Why is my dad talking to Joker?" Jessica questioned

"I don't know" I mumble in confusion until our conversation was cut off by an eerily happy voice echoed across the warehouse

"Brick my old chum, did they get the message?.... *Brick nods* Glorious, I hope they don't take it to heart." The Joker says just before releasing a psychotic laugh

"Everything is going as planned" Brick adds as crates are being hauled towards them

"Why did you make this gas?" Brick questioned as I started recording

"The HAHAHA? Well now that pesky Red Robin is now anxious for my next attack I'll give him one. I'll make it so he can't escape his fate..." Joker said with a smirk

"Death?" Brick questioned

"Not quite he won't be able to escape the madness that will swarm inside his mind, twisting its' way so deep that he'll know what it feels to be me, The Joker," Joker said in almost bliss

'He plans to pollute Tim's mind and make him the next Joker, why? Why create another you?' I think to myself in terror

"Can we go now?" Jessica begged

"Hang on" I mumble to her as I listened like my heart depended on it

"What about the... complications?" Brick asked

"Oh Brick my dear friend, they aren't complications they're just thieves and they will pay for what they have taken from me all those years ago!" Joker shouted in anger

"Ok now we can go" I whisper as I stop the recording and put my phone in a secure pocket before running


       I spin around quickly due to the loud crashing behind me and see Jessica had tripped over some metal buckets. I hurriedly help her up and run as I can hear heavy footsteps running towards us.

"Hurry up we have to go!" I whisper shout hoping they wouldn't be able to find in this mess

       I force open the door and Jessica and I run down the street when I get a call from Taylor so I answer thinking she had something important to warn us about.

"Two huge guys are chasing you guys!" Taylor shouted in the phone

"We KNOW!" I shout back as we continue to run trying to get to the car as fast as we can

       We were cornered by the, indeed, huge men against a tree when Red Robin jumps down easily taking the Rock knock-offs down and turns to us.

"You really are a trouble maker aren't you?" Red Robin questions with a small smirk because he was trying to be serious

"What can I say I chase the thrills" I say with a smile

"Wait you two know each other?" Jessica asks in confusion

"It's a long story," we both say together then glance at each other then back to Jessica

"I suggest you two get back home clearly it's not safe this late." Red Robin says with a cocky smirk

"Yes sir" I joke making him roll his eyes as he ushers us to the car

"Good night and never do anything like that again," Red Robin said looking at me with a stern look to which I nod in reply but think in my mind 'No promises'

       We drive towards the national park and pick Taylor up who ruined the comfortable silence that Jessica and I once had bombarding us with ridiculous questions.


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