Chapter 12

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•Friday, January 10th•

       I and my two other partners, Mya and Alexia, were sitting in the waiting room where all the 'special' guests wait for their great entrances. It's the second quarter of the game and we are stretching for our half-time show.

       While the other girls weren't looking I took out my phone and walked into the bathroom.

Me - Hey r u here?🤔

       When I send the message I wait anxiously for a response. I am fixing my makeup in the mirror when I hear a ding come from my phone and an uncontrollable smile crosses my face as I all but dive for my phone.

Tim - Yeah I'm the VIP seating (go figure) Good luck!😁👍

Me - Lol, thank you! I'll see you at half-time. 😂

       I am smiling at my messages when I hear someone clear their throats. I turn to see a stern-looking woman looking down at me.

"Excuse me," she says expectantly and I turn to notice I was blocking the sink

"Oh I'm sorry," I say as I walk out of the bathroom and continue to stretch with Mya and Alexia

"Ok, we have 5 seconds before the half-time buzzer and our performance. Don't worry we got this we've been practicing for weeks trust me we know this dance." I say giving them, but mostly myself, a pep-talk

        I hear the announcers introducing us Mya jogs out first doing a cartwheel as they announce her name then Alexia follows her with a double round-off...

"and last but not least Hayden Chesney!" the announcers cry out over the roaring crowd I jog out with a smile and do and round-off then flip into a backflip and go to my spot up front in the center

      My eyes drag across the VIP session until I find Tim who is smiling and wavings at me. I feel a blush creep up as I smile at him. As if trained all three of us ducked our heads down waiting for the music to start.

( Hayden in position of girl in blue pants )

~ - Tim's pov - ~

       I sit nervously waiting for half-time for the real reason I came here tonight. I admit I was a little worried about her response to me actually coming but maybe that's just my nerves talking, I mean she thinks I already had the tickets so what am I worried about?

Hayden - Hey r u here?🤔

'She texted me?... Don't get too excited she only texted you.' My brain fought with itself as I tried to figure out what to say

Me - Yeah I'm in VIP seating (go figure) Good luck!😁👍

      I sent the message and instantly started kicking myself for what I said.

'VIP seating (go figure)? That makes me sound like a spoiled rich boy! God, why would I say that?!' I shout at myself mentally as I nervously wait for her response seeing the three dots signaling her typing

Hayden - Lol, thank you! I'll see you at half-time. 😂

       I physically relax as I let out a sigh relieved by her response. I could feel Bruce glance at me but I was too relieved to care about his glances.

"Something wrong?" he asked

"Um, just relieved with that final call," I say somewhat honestly since the call worked in our teams favor

'Half-time, finally' I think to myself eagerly as the announcers introduce the three girls including Hayden

       I smile as I see her jog out in black spandex shorts and a loose crop top sweatshirt. I watch as she does a round-off then go immediately into a backflip landing in the center perfectly.

       I smile her as she looks so excited and nervous it was kind of adorable. I decided to take a picture of her because honestly, her expression was too cute to not capture. I see her eyes scan the VIP section and land on me, her electric blue eyes an electric enigma, drawing me and letting me go. I smile and wave at her and watch as she smiles back before dropping her head in sync with the other two.

~ - Hayden's pov - ~

       Alexia, Mya, and I all jog off the court together holding hands as we hear the announcers compliment our dance and calling us adorable. When we got back to the waiting room we were congratulated by others but mostly by each other. We jumped up and down squealing about how great each of us did. Our celebration was short-lived when we were told to be quiet by a cranky old man. I heard my phone buzz and wondered who would be texting me at this hour.

Tim - You did great!😁

Me - Thank you, meet me at the concessions after the game.

       After I sent the message I became very nervous as I wondered if it was too bold of me to say that and my nerves only worsened when I saw his three dots.

Tim - Ok, see you then

       I all but squeal and sit back down with Mya and Alexia to watch the rest of the game.

- - - - -

       I jog to the concessions right after the game and see Tim standing there holding an orange Gatorade in his hand. I smile and jog towards him but didn't stop until I actually was hugging him. To say he was surprised was an understatement but he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"That was so exciting I still have an adrenaline rush from it." I gush smiling at him as he smiles down at me

"I can see that, you did great!" Tim compliments with a sweet smile

"Thank you, I have to admit I was really nervous and was thinking about backing out," I admit looking down at my feet

"Well I'm glad you didn't you're an amazing dancer and I got you this as congratulations," Tim said handing me the Gatorade and a soft pretzel (my favorite concession snack)

"Oh my god, thank you so much... how did you know these were my favorite?" I ask with a curious smile

"Taylor told me your favorite Gatorade and I just took a guess with the pretzel because who does like pretzels," Tim said as he walks me away from the concessions

"I'm glad you came, well I know you already had the tickets but, I guess I'm just happy to see a familiar face in the crowd," I say tearing off a piece of the pretzel and dipping it in the cheese sauce

"I'm glad I came too," Tim said looking down at me and I looked deep into his light blue eyes and it felt like a glazier was drawing me in but I had to force myself out of the trance

"Here have some," I say offering him the pretzel where he tore off a piece and dipped it in the cheese sauce as I did the same

"Cheers," I say cheesily as we tap our pretzel pieces together before eating them

'I don't want his moment to ever end' I think dreamily while at I laughed at his jokes and stories about him and his brothers


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