Chapter 13

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•Wednesday, January 22nd•

       English, the one class I can't seem to find any way of enjoying and that would be because Jessica always finds a way to suck any good away from me.

       I sit boredly knowing Jessica probably has some new way of tormenting me today. Speak of the devil here she comes looking as gloomy as usual.

"Oh look Little Miss. Perfect is early for class... what no apple for the teacher?" She questioned sarcastically

"Oh no I left it in my Hello Kitty reject locker" I reply sarcastically with a smirk

       She takes her seat next to me but as far as she can move the chair causing me to roll my eyes. I was going to make a snarky comment but then I noticed she had a bruise on her right temple and became concerned.

"Are you alright?" I ask genuinely watching her face for any secret meaning behind it

"Don't pretend to care about me?" she said rolling her eyes but I could see a hint of hurt behind the harsh look in her eyes

       My concern for Jessica didn't fade as class continued on as Mrs. Devons informed us of our project for the week.

"You will be paired with one other student to do this project together and I have already chosen your partners." Mrs. Devons states watching as students slouched in their seats in disappointment

"Taylor and Jackson" she said and turned to see Taylor smirks and give me a thumbs up, it's no secret that both Taylor and Jackson have a thing for each other.

"Tim and Cody"

"Hayden and Jessica"

"WHAT?!!" Jessica shouted out standing up

"I have to be partnered with prissy princess?" Jessica questioned while finding a way to insult me in the conversation

"You don't see me jumping for joy" I grumble more to myself

"Yes now sit down or you will receive a detention." Mrs. Devons said sternly

       Class continued on, as usual, Jessica would glare at me then make some kind of comment towards me, and finally, the bell rang and sprang up from my seat and packed my things to leave.

"Come to my house after school so we can work on the project," I say handing Jessica my address

"And what makes you think I'm going to be helping you?" Jessica questioned bitterly

"Because if you don't I could do one or two things: I could tell Mrs. Devons you refused to help with the project and also inform the principal who actually redecorated my locker or I could just not do it and unlike you, failing this project won't affect my grade as much as it will yours," I say with a smirk seeing that for once she didn't have a snarky come back

"Fine" she grumbled and walked away

"Damn I didn't know you could be a stone-cold bitch" Taylor says with a smirk

"You push me far enough you'll be surprised what I can do" I reply with a smirk as we walk out of the class and to our next

- - - - -

~ After school ~

       I walk Jessica up to my apartment and unlock the door and allow her in.

"This is your house?" She asked in disbelief

"Yeah want anything to drink or eat?" I ask going to the kitchen and grabbing a soda

"Do you also have a butler?" she questioned sarcastically

"Oh yeah and we also have maids" I answer sarcastically rolling my eyes

"here," I say handing her a soda and grabbing a bag of chips

"Let's go up to my room, my parents will be home soon and will probably want to watch tv," I say leading her up to my room

"What no siblings?" she questions looking around

"No, it's just me and my parents" I answer

"Just because we're partners doesn't mean I'm going to start being nice to you" Jessica informs

"So I've noticed... Why do you hate me?" I ask turning to look at her

"What?" She asks bitterly

"Well you always try to make my life a living hell but you never told me why or what I did to deserve it," I say

"Are we going to do the project or sit here with our thumbs up our asses?" she questioned rudely opening her bag roughly

"Ok I was thinking that you look up pictures and write the introductory paragraph then I can write the Essay and do the work cited," I say taking my laptop out of my bag

"Fine" Jessica grumbles rolling her eyes

- - - - -

       After a few arguments and corrections to the Introduction and Essay, we were finally done so we had the whole week to practice giving the speech and to relax and surprisingly I think Jessica and I came to some kind of understanding or at least got past some boundaries.

"You never answered my question" I state putting my laptop up to charge

"Which one you never shut up?" Jessica questioned

"Why you hate me"

"I- I don't hate you... I just- I wish I was you. I hate that you're so nice. I hate that you're smart that you can do anything you want. I hate that is so easy to like you and tell you anything." Jessica admits looking down in embarrassment

"What why?" I ask looking at her like she has two heads

"You have a perfect family, a happy one, and you're smart and talented. You are liked without having to do anything." Jessica said rubbing her wrist sadly

"Jessica if it helps anything I think you're a pretty cool person. You know when you're not tormenting me." I joke and we both dry laugh

"Your scars how'd you get them?" I ask seriously

"Um, m-my dad mostly. He drinks a lot and blames us for not having any money." Jessica answers looking down

"Is that how you got your bruise?" I ask tilting my head to the bruise on her right temple

"Yeah," she says nodding her head

"If you want you are always welcome to come here. We have a guest room that I'm sure my parents won't mind you using." I say honestly

"Why are you being so nice to me, I tormented you since day one and now you're offering me a bedroom at your house?" Jessica said

"Yeah, I guess it does sound a bit crazy but I'm serious if you ever want to come over you can," I say


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