Chapter 20

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•Saturday, May 23rd•

       Graduation, the day where you are congratulated for getting through high school, middle school, and elementary. The day where everyone puts aside their differences and get along when all of the grades feel more connected than they ever have, that got through all the challenges together.

"Hayden comes on we have to leave in five minutes if we want to beat the traffic and get good seats. Taylor's mom said they would save us seats but I would like to get their early for a picture." Mom informed in a rush

"Congratulations Munchkin, I'm proud of you," Dad said hugging me from the side

"Hayden do you know if Jessica's mom will be there should I get her a flower too?" Mom asks

"Jessica's mom took off work today so I don't think you'll need to buy her a flower but you can if you want" I inform as we climb into the car

- - - - -

( Skip through ceremony )

"I'm so proud of you girls finally graduated and off on your next adventures" Taylor's mom gushes pinching Taylor's cheek

"I know I feel so old," Mom says and her and Taylor's mom start a long and embarrassing conversation

"I'm going to go find Jackson I'll see you later are we still having that big family dinner together?" Taylor asked Jessica and me

"Yeah it's at 6 at that new fancy restaurant" I inform

"Perfect gives me time to congratulate Jackson" Taylor said seductively

"Oh my god ew... Just go, we didn't need to know that." Jessica and I say together as Taylor skips away happily

"So we're not in high school anymore how does that make you feel?" I say sounding like a reporter holding a pretend microphone to her and Jessica rolls her eyes

"I gotta tell ya Hayden I feel great. Everyone here did a good job." Jessica answered jokingly taking my hand-microphone and then we both laugh

"You know I never had a friend before you here but now I have two great friends because of you." Jessica said

"Awe you're going to make me cry" I say with a sad smile

"I'm glad we became friends" I admit as we hug squeezing each other tightly

"Are you and your mom coming tonight?" I ask

"Yeah we kicked him." Jessica said happily

       Jessica left to go talk to her mom so I was left alone in the buzzing crowd of happy people. I turn around and look at everyone all my classmates hugging family members or crying or laughing with their family.

       My attention caught one family in particular, the Wayne's. Is see Tim smiling softly holding his diploma as he talking to his father and assumably his older brother, Dick. Tim must've felt my stare and turned to look at me our eyes were trained on each other for a while until I turn around feeling embarrassed for my staring.

'Why did I have to tell him?' I think mentally going back to my family


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