Chapter 14

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•Friday, January 31st•

       Jessica and I had actually become friends while working on the project together and thankfully we got an A on it. I look around the cafeteria trying to find Taylor wherever she may be sitting.

"Hayden I'm right here" Taylor calls from our usual table by the large windows


"So... your date?" Taylor asked with a smirk

"What? Oh, hang on." I say when I see Jessica looking around the cafeteria for somewhere to sit

"Jessica over here" I call out to her and wave towards our table and she sheepishly walks towards us and takes a seat and Taylor clearly thought Hell just froze over

"What. The. Hell?" Taylor questions looking between Jessica and me

"While working on the project Jessica and I had come to an understanding and actually discovered we have a lot in common," I say looking at Jessica as we give each other a knowing looking

       Jessica also had a fascination with the Boy Wonder and has been helping me conduct research on him. Her interest is different from mine; Mine is just the craving to know. To understand why he seems so familiar to me and Jessica is she wants him to bring her dad to justice.

"Ok- but did you forget she been tormenting you all year?" Taylor questioned still thinking I'm insane

"Look I'm sorry that I made both your lives a living hell. I want to make up for that and it would be kind of nice to actually have friends for once." Jessica said honestly with a sad look

"Alright fine, I'll give you a chance BUT you're on probation if you do anything to hurt Hayden or me I'll kick you to the curb," Taylor says sternly

"I understand" Jessica complies surprisingly

"Good... So anyways your date?" Taylor asks suddenly very happy

"What date?" Jessica and I ask together

"Your study date with Mr. Daddy's a Billionaire," Taylor said with a smirk

"That wasn't a date he was very helping me study for the final because you bailed on me," I say

"No I got you his number and his time, you're welcome," Taylor said with a smirk taking a bite of her salad

"But anyway what happened?" Taylor asked

"He stayed over for dinner and then we studied at the library the next day and he actually came to the game Friday so I saw him there," I answer fighting a smile

"Oh my god! He so likes you!" Taylor exclaimed causing me to hide my face behind my hands from peoples obvious looks

"No, he doesn't his dad already had the tickets" I correct

"I doubt it, Tim isn't known for being a basketball fan, everyone knows he prefers baseball or football. He got those tickets to see you." Jessica said and it felt like they were teaming up against me

"No, he- he told me his dad already the tickets." I try to correct again

"Face it he bought those tickets just to see you," Taylor said

       I turn my head embarrassed and catch sight of Tim sitting with his friends and he saw me looking at him and waved to which I waved back with a smile unconsciously.

"Oh, and you like him too. I ship it how 'bout you?" Jessica asked Taylor

"Of course I ship it, I set it up," Taylor answers sassily

"No no I do not like him- I mean I like him but as a friend- nothing else just a friend," I say in a panic worried that he'd hear us

"Fine we'll stop talking about it," Taylor said holding her hands up in surrender

"For now" Jessica mumbled with a smirk

       I turn to look back at Tim and see him smiling and joking around with his friends.

- - - - -

       I was walking out to my car when someone calls my name. I turn to see it was Tim and I smile watching as he jogged after me.

"Hey, speedy what's up?" I joke with a smile

"Nothing I just didn't get the chance to talk to you talk so I figured I might as well say hi now," Tim said with a smirk

"Well in that case 'Hi'" I say joke causing us both to laugh

"So you and Jessica are friends now? How'd you do that she hates everyone?" Tim asked with a smile tilting his head to Jessica

"I have my ways," I say sweetly giving an innocent look and fluster my eyes causing him to chuckle

"Makes sense I think it's cool that you're friends with her," Tim said smiling

"Well thank you" I thank him but notice a large black limo pull up next to us

"Master Tim you have a busy schedule today I suggest you get home to have some downtime." an older man said from inside the limo

"Oh um, Hayden, this is Alfred Pennyworth my family's closest companion Alfred this is Hayden Chesney she's a friend." Tim introduced

"Hello it's nice to meet you, Alfred," I say shaking his hand

"and you Miss. Chesney, Master Tim has told us great things about you." Alfred said with a smirk as Tim grew flustered

"Um alright I'll see you tomorrow Hayden, bye" Tim called as he got in the limo

"Bye" I call out watching the limo drive away


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