"I thought I heard you moaning my name"

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Edited. 09/07/2022. 

"Please can we make some more cakes Livvy!", The 5-year-old exclaims. "It's so much fun," Charlotte adds, bouncing up and down in the middle of the kitchen. She liked decorating the cakes, not actually making them. Charlie was wearing her little pink pyjamas that she'd worn every night for the past three nights. 

I can't get her to take them off. "I think it's a little too late for cooking, maybe tomorrow," I smile, crouching down to meet her sad gaze. 

"You promise?"

I smile. "I promise," I agree. 

"Okay," She pouts. I tickle her sides a little. She squirms and runs away, giggling. Her blonde hair is shifting with each step, becoming more and more messy. I've got to brush that in the morning

Charlotte runs up the stairs, I can hear her tiny feet pattering up each step as fast as she can. "I bet you can't find me!," She exclaims, panting in the distance. 

"I bet that I can!," I holler back, following those footsteps into her room. Her feet are shifting behind the long (and expensive) curtains. I shake my head and chuckle silently at her failed attempt to hide. 

"Where can she be?," And then she giggles. "Gotcha!," I gasp, pulling the curtains away from her. She squeals again and tries to run past me. My hands grip her lightly and haul her from the ground, spinning her around. 

She throws her head back, laughing. I love her laugh

I set her down and point towards her pink bed. "Get in that bed misses," I demand playfully. Charlotte huffs, folding her arms across her chest. 

Staring her down for as long as I can. We play this game a lot... She wins. "Tomorrow we will make cakes and even play hide and seek again," I suggest. She smiles openly, showing her crooked teeth.

"Only if you get into bed in 3...2...", And before I can get to 1, she's tucked herself in the bed, smiling up at me. "Goodnight princess," I lean down, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. 

"Goodnight Livvy," She whispers with a small hum. Those blue eyes find mine and they remind me of her fathers. Where is he? Brett should be home by now. Pushing the worry down into the depths of my mind, I turn on her night lamp. 

Charlotte can't sleep without it, she has bad night terrors. I remember having those as a kid... 

I close her door and walk towards her brothers room. Kyle was fourteen and a misunderstood nightmare at the moment. I had only been working as the nanny for two weeks, but it was clear that the teenager only acted out for attention. 

That was the only attention he could get from his dad. A good yell and that was that. 

I lift my hand and knock on his door. "Kyle," I say. 

The boy grunts a hello and I push his door open slightly. He's sat up on his bed, Xbox controller in his hands. His eyes are glued on the screen. Boys and their interests will never fail to amaze me

"Make sure you don't stay up too late, you have to get that homework done tomorrow," I smile, even though he doesn't so much as glance towards me. He hasn't been the same since his mothers passing, and I can't judge him for that.

"Yeah. Okay," Is all he says.

I don't wanna leave this interaction at that. "Your dad has a night off from work tomorrow," I say, trying to sound as friendly as I can. No response. I continue anyway."Maybe he could join us watching a movie?," I suggest. 

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