29. Nanny with benefits

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Yes, I decided to skip this one sex scene, but only because its late at night and I can't put my heart and soul into it. Don't worry, there will be plenty more to come!

Enjoy though, please vote and comment.

Third Person POV

Brett was laid on his back, shirtless and sweaty. Olivia was curled up beside him, one arm draped over his chest, and one leg thrown over his legs. They'd brought themselves up to Olivia's room after the second fuck downstairs.

Both breathing raggedly as they stayed silent - relaxing their bodies back down.

Moments passed before Brett spoke.

"Olivia?", his voice was hoarse still.

"Yes?", Her eyes fluttered open, and looked up at his face, which was peering down at her with that unreadable gaze.

He seemed to freeze up for a moment, and Olivia noticed. "I just want to say thank you, for everything that you do with the kids - they really admire you.", he admitted, his voice low but ringing with honesty and truth, as well as admiration.

She blushed and smiled, glancing down at his lips - she kissed him gently, and then pulled back. Her cheeks flush with blood. "They're amazing children, really. Kyle is so good at maths, he's like a genius or something.", She giggles.

"Or something?", Brett teased her, knowing her brain wasn't functioning properly yet.

"Maybe he's a robot.", She suggested, her smile beaming up at him. Her head was stilted against his arm, so that she was looking up at him. Brett couldn't stop the smile that took over his own lips. He couldn't stop much when it came to Olivia.

"Absolutely.", He went along with it. "Or maybe he's an alien!", he whispered, chuckling.

"That's totally it.", She sighs happily, snuggling into him some more. Brett tightened his hold around her, and continued stroking her arm with his rough fingers. She hummed in response and closed her eyes.

Brett continued smiling, but shut his own eyes and rested his head back against the pillow.

"Goodnight Olivia.", Brett whispered into the darkness.

Olivia could hear his heart beat and smiled at the steady rhythm - comfortable and relaxed.

"Night Brett.", She replied gently.

And then she fell asleep in his arms, feeling safer than she'd ever felt before. Safer than when she was with Ben, or her own father - safer than she knew she'd ever feel again.

And she slept soundly, dreaming of only nice things.

Happy things.

The next day

Third Person POV - sorry :)

"How was school?", Olivia asked Kyle and Lucy as they walked into the kitchen. Lucy had been spending the last few days here, she liked being here - and Olivia and Kelly didn't have a problem with it.

Kelly was at her job interview though, and only Olivia and the kids, as well as Lucy, were home.

"Good.", Kyle muttered, opening the fridge in search for food.

"It was okay, Miss Davis.", Lucy smiled, watching Kyle raid the fridge.

Olivia raised a brow. "Kyle I've ordered Chinese.", She smiles, knowingly. Kyle snaps his gaze to hers, smiling widely.

"Fuck yeah!", He gasped.

Olivia only had to stare at him with that motherly stare and he dipped his head.

"Sorry.", he mumbled.

Olivia chuckled. "Go and do some homework before food gets here guys.", Olivia says and the kids do just that.

Moments later, Charlotte wonders into the kitchen with her unicorn teddy in her hands. She was humming along to a Disney song that Olivia couldn't recognise.

"Hello lovely.", Olivia smiled, closing her book now.

Charlotte stopped singing and smiled at her nanny. "When will daddy be home? He promised to watch a movie with us tonight.", Charlotte asked, her voice sad.

"Soon.", Olivia lied. She had no idea when Brett would be home.

She could ask though.

And with that thought, she reaches for her phone, sending Brett a quick message.

Hi, I hope work is going well, just asking when you will be home? Charlotte is asking for you.

Olivia then put down her phone, and focused her attention back on the five-year-old. Charlotte sighed and sat down on one of the chairs, looking at Olivia with those doe eyes. "Daddy looks happy lately when he's home.", She admits, beginning to smile now.

"Yeah?", Olivia asks, softly.

"Yeah. He's always smiling and laughing - he never used to.", She confesses.

Olivia frowns at that. "Well at least he's happy now, right?", Olivia tries to lighten up the mood.

"I think it's because you're here.", that shocks Olivia.

"Maybe.", Olivia dismisses the conversation kindly.

"No, it is. He's always smiling at you and laughing with you. I think daddy loves you as well as me and Kyle.", She whispers, beginning to play with her teddy unicorn. "Why else would he laugh with you like he does with me and Kyle?", She looks back at Olivia.

Olivia felt her heart stop.

That wasn't true - they were just... friends.

Friends with benefits.

Or, nanny with benefits.

"Daddy and me are just friends.", Olivia says with a small smile.

"He can still love you.", Charlotte pouts. Her doe eyes peering across at Olivia with admiration and love. "I love you and we're friends.", She whispers, placing down her unicorn, staring at it in wonder.

"Yeah.", Olivia chuckles, and then her phones buzzes.

She reaches for it, and reads the message.

Good evening Olivia, I will be home very soon with presents. And tell Charlie that we are watching a movie, and tell her that I can't wait. See you soon, Olivia.

Olivia finds herself smiling like an in-love teenager at the message, but distracts herself by glancing up at the five-year-old.

"Daddy says he's still watching a movie with us, and that he's on his own.", Olivia smiles.

Charlotte smiles instantly and jumps up from the seat, grabbing her unicorn off the table, and running into the living room to choose a movie.

Olivia laughs and responds to Brett's text.

Presents? For the kids?

It didn't take too long for Brett to reply this time.

For the kids, and for you. I'm getting in the car now, be ten minutes Olivia. Missing me already?

Olivia blushes and replies.


She sits, waiting for his next reply. And what it said, made her thighs clench.

Missing me? Or my cock?

She shakes her head, and giggles to herself like a giddy teenager.

She doesn't reply, but instead lets him drive home.

That was the question... was she missing him, or his cock?

Definitely both.

I know this is a little shorter but im so tired. Enjoy :) Please vote and comment!

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