46. I love you

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Two days later

Third Person POV

"It's good to see you again, miss.", Adam sends Olivia a curt nod, standing in the doorway of the living room, which was where the family were seated.

Charlotte and Kyle.


Talia and Chris.

And standing on each side of the door stood Liam and Adam - the protection.

"Don't be so formal.", Liam rolled his eyes, sending Olivia a playful wink. Olivia clings to Brett for support, her legs still sore and weak, but she lets out a small laugh at Liam. She liked Liam and Adam. Liam was more out-going and flirtatious, but Adam was quiet and adorable really.

Brett wraps his arm around Olivia, helping her to sit down on one of the sofas.

Each person saying hello from afar, whereas Charlotte leaps onto her the moment she sits down. The little girl throws her arms around the woman she saw as her mother and smiled happily.

Olivia groaned in pain, but smiled and wrapped her arms around the girl she loved so dearly. "I missed you.", the brunette woman hummed, stroking the back of the girls head with so much affection and love that the room fell silent.

Watching the two of them hold one another was like watching an angel fall from the heavens. It was beautiful and refreshing. Brett pushed his hands into his suit pockets, leaning against the wall, smiling without restraint at the sight.

His little girl was at her happiest with Olivia, as was himself.

"Be gentle.", Kyle muttered from beside them.

Olivia shot Kyle a look and stuck her tongue out. "Jealous?", She giggled. Kyle rolled his eyes but leaned over and wrapped his arms around Olivia and his sister, holding the two of them. He nestled his head into Olivia's shoulder.

Brett's smile faded from his face then. His eyes stung with the need to cry.

This sight right here, his children holding onto the woman he loved so dearly, was everything.

"I'm so glad that you're okay Olivia.", Kyle muttered, reluctant but so honest.

Olivia smiled in response and placed a gentle kiss atop his head. "Me too, buddy.", She whispered, leaning her cheek atop his head. Her eyes finding her friend who sat across the room. Talia sat, her blonde hair shoved into a messy bun, her eyes watery.

"I love you.", Talia mouthed across the room.

Olivia smiled. "I love you more.", She mouthed back.

And her gaze then shifted to Chris, who was sitting beside Talia, his eyes on Olivia. He smiled at her, and she returned his beaming smile. And that was all that she needed. Everyone here.

"You should rest.", Kelly's voice interrupts the comfortable silence.

Kyle sat straight again, and Charlotte sat beside Olivia now, holding her hand.

"I've rested enough.", Olivia rasped. "I want to be with my family.", She admits. The word want really meant need. She needed to be with her family, to remind herself of who she was and why she wanted to be alive.

And as that thought crossed her tired mind, her eyes found his.

Brett's blue eyes shone with so much admiration and fondness that her heart ached to be in his arms. She wanted to go upstairs and hold him forever. She wanted to fall asleep in his arms tonight, and every night after that.

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