16. What the fuck are we doing?

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And before Olivia could withdraw herself from the situation, Brett wrapped his strong arms around her tiny frame, making sure she knew that what he had just done, he did not regret. He should have regretted it. Olivia should have hated him for it.

But Olivia's body began to melt at the touch of his rough lips against hers. Her heart sank to the bottom of her chest and everything felt righted - all of the worries had evaporated away, and the questions had vanished just as fast as Brett had placed his mouth against hers.

The warmth he brought with him forced her mouth open. So willing and open for him, he groaned at the taste of her tongue against his.

Fuzziness and warmth rose from the pit of Olivia's stomach, to her chest and her face - her cheeks turning rosy red within seconds of his lips upon hers. The movement of her hips against his seized to exist now, it was just their mouths.

Their mouths hypnotic and synchronised together. Olivia felt a wave of comfort and solidity monopolise her entire body when one of his hands came to rest on her neck. Her toes curled and her senses were silenced.

She could only smell, taste and hear him. And Olivia wouldn't want it any other way.

And then it was gone, his warmth and his tongue and his mouth, was gone. Olivia forced her heavy eyes open and saw that he was watching her. His eyebrows screwed up into one of thoughtfulness.

What was he thinking? Olivia wondered if he had already regretted what he had just done, but the movement of his thick fingers against her soft neck, told her otherwise.

And by the time Olivia could process whether he looked regretful, he claimed her mouth again. It was softer than the first time, there was less force, but the ravenous hunger and desire had grown even more.

She allowed his tongue to invade her mouth, feeling him search everywhere he could. Moaning, she slipped her hands down his chest, feeling the hardness that laid there. He was so strong and lean and muscular, it turned her on even more.

Her whole body was tingling with temptation and disbelief.

"What are we doing?," Brett groaned into her mouth, but didn't move his lips from hers. He wouldn't dare end this, he wanted to kiss her forever. Time didn't seem to exist with his mouth against hers, and he'd never wish for it to ever again.

Forever wasn't long enough, was all he thought. Forever with Olivia was not long enough.

Olivia only moaned at his question, beginning to move against him again. She didn't want to give him too long to think about this, but she didn't know that he was thinking about this. Brett was thinking about everything and he didn't want to stop, that was the real problem.

"What the fuck are we doing?," He still couldn't move his mouth away from hers.

Olivia knew that they were kissing, but she wasn't sure if it was exactly a smart thing to be doing, the only thing she knew was that she was thankful she was knelt up and not standing. Her knees would have given in by now.

Brett's fingers began to move and explore her skin, seemingly having a mind of their own, but they took longer in the more prominent curves of her body. Her neck and her waist, even her arms and her thighs.

She should be disgusted, he was too old, and knew her parents - it was wrong, but she didn't want to stop. Olivia should have been insecure and disgusted but her whole body was on fire and burning for more.

His scent fuelled her desire more, as did hers for him.

Brett should have been the Monday of Olivia's life, but he was her Friday. He was the day that she waited for every single other day, until she was finally with him. He was the one she thought about constantly, he was the one she wanted constantly.

He was her relief, and his lips... They were her dearest and most welcome punishment.

Brett wasn't just kissing Olivia, he was devouring her, and he wasn't going to stop any time soon. Not as his hands explored every last inch of her skin.

"Brett," She moaned when his fingers gently smoothed over her right nipple. Her whole body arching into the touch.

Brett wanted to say something - absolutely anything - but he was afraid. He was afraid of what he might say or what it might lead to. He knew that they couldn't fuck right now, her mum next door, and both of them under the influence of alcohol.

Olivia deserved better than that, he wouldn't have their first time like this. Drunken fumbling.

But he didn't have to make her stop, because a knock on his bedroom door did that for him. Olivia and Brett pulled away faster than lightening, both stumbling to their feet on the floor. Eyes wide with realization.

The trance was gone, and the realization hit them both harder than a rock.

"I-", Olivia started.

Brett shook his head, placing his finger over his lips, silencing her. Olivia swallowed but nodded, listening to him. She hoped that it was Olivia, not Kyle or her mum.

"Daddy I heard something in Olivia's room," Charlotte said through the door.

Olivia raised an eyebrow and Brett tilted his head to the side. What?

"Stay here.", he told Olivia and she only nodded, watching him head out of his room, closing the door behind him quickly and quietly. "Go back to your room okay? Daddy will make sure everything is okay.", He told his daughter, and she ran off to her own bedroom.

And then he headed towards Olivia's bedroom, opening the door in a hurry.

And what he saw - no, who he saw sitting in the corner of her bedroom infuriated him to the core.


I know that this is short, but it was just the second half of last chapter really! :) I hope you're enjoying, please vote and comment it gives me the inspiration to continue writing. I'm so thankful for you all! :)

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