7. It's punishment

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Still third person for this one - sorry if you don't like it - I enjoy writing in it! :) I hope you're enjoying the story so far? These chapters are a lot longer than the chapters in my other books so updates take a little longer!

Please, if you could, give this chapter a vote maybe? And if you want, a comment too? Let me know that you're enjoying this book. :) Enjoy.

Olivia woke up with a migraine that could take down an entire army of men in one pulse. It was making even her eyes hurt with the banging against her skull. "What the hell did I drink last night?", She wonders out loud.

She groaned and forced herself to sit up, sitting up with her hands resting on the bed behind her. She yawned a little, looking around her room with a small smile. She liked living here, it was nice to know that she had a reason to wake up in the morning. She had the kids to take care of - it helped her a lot.

"Paracetamol.", She reminds herself. And with that thought, she slowly, but surely, climbs out of the warm and comfy bed. Olivia wraps herself in her fluffy dressing gown and then heads down to the kitchen, expecting nobody to be awake. It was still dark outside.

"Where do they keep the painkillers?", She asked herself with a small groan as she began opening and closing every drawer and cupboard. Each movement she made, she made sure to be silent, not just because everybody was in bed, but because everything was so damn loud.

A few more moments passed, and still, she found absolutely nothing. They weren't in the cupboard where they kept the plasters and bandages for the kids - which was smart. Who would leave drugs around a four-year-old?

"If you're looking for a pill to pop for that pleasant hangover you have, they're in the bathroom in the cabinet beside the mirror.", That voice shocked her into oblivion. Olivia turned on her heel, staring at that handsome, rugged face. He smiled knowingly. "Sensitive today, aren't we?", He teased.

She scowled at him. "In more ways than one," she said under her breath - remembering what had happened with Connor. She shook her head at the thought.

"What was that Olivia?", Brett asked, folding his arms across his chest. Olivia's gaze fluttered down to his tatted chest, which was on view for her because he wasn't wearing a shirt. Again. And then another memory came flooding back to her.

Shut up and take it. She felt her panties grow wet with the memory, and now sober, that tattoo had it's effect on her that it would've last night if she had not been intoxicated. Olivia swallowed, trying to keep her head out of the gutter.

"Nothing.", She sighed, as if she was talking to a teacher, or her father.

"I'm pretty certain that you muttered something under your breath?", His voice taunted her from the doorway. She glared at him as he smirked across at her. Olivia, again, rolled her eyes. Brett's jaw ticked at the movement, as if he didn't like it. His lips twitched as if he was containing words that would be inappropriate.

"I'm gonna go and pop those pills.", She uttered, beginning to walk towards him, to walk past him.

But Brett did not move out of her way, instead he stood in the doorway, halting her movements. Olivia peered up into his intense stare and raised a single brow at him. "I'm sorry for muttering and I'm sorry for rolling my eyes, may I go and cure myself now?", She asked child-like.

Brett chuckled deeply at her words, but nodded. "Of course Olivia.", And then he stepped aside. Olivia took a few seconds to get her feet in communication with her brain, but she moved and dragged herself up the stairs to the bathroom.

Searching in the cupboard Brett had told her they were, she found a lot of pills. She found the ones she wanted and took two out of the container, taking them back to her room, where she swallowed them without a drink.

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