15. So fucking needy

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Later on that night, Brett had made up the guest bedroom for Kelly and was now sitting in his own room, on his laptop. He was answering a couple of emails when he heard a knock on his door, it was so light and tiny that he almost missed it.

"Come in," He called out, not taking his eyes off the laptop screen.

The person who had knocked had opened up the door, stepped inside, and closed the door behind themselves. He'd heard it, but he still had not looked up. Brett thought that it might be Charlotte with such a weak knock.

"What's wrong princess?"

"Princess?", Her angelic voice stunned him into silence. His gaze met hers and he smiled.

"I'm sorry, I thought that you was Charlotte.", Brett explained. Olivia smiled at him, and slowly made her way over to his bed. He nodded his answer when she glanced down at the bed and then back up to him.

Olivia sat down on the edge of his bed, facing him. Brett closed his laptop and set it aside before returning his attention back to the brunette sitting on his bed.

They stayed silent for a few more moments, just looking at one another, as they always did.

"I'm sorry about my dad," Olivia finally broke the silence. "I didn't think he'd be such an ass in front of the kids, I am so sorry.", She whispered, her eyes flickering between his own and his lips.

Brett pressed his lips together in a tight line. His jaw tensed for a moment at the thought of John raising his voice to his family. "I don't want an apology from you or your mum, Olivia.", Is all he says with a weak smile.

"And thank you for my gift, I love it.", She adds in a whisper.

"I don't want you to thank me.", He says, his tone still laced with power, even hours after the argument had passed. His whole body was still alert and on edge, as if he was ready for a fight with anyone. "I'm very glad that you like it though.", He adds, smiling slightly.

Brett allows his gaze to finally take in her outfit, and the curves beneath it. She was wearing a silky black vest top, with matching shorts. Her tanned legs were smooth and enticing. Her thighs perfectly thick and her cleavage on display for everyone to see.

He looked down immediately, controlling himself even more now that Kelly was in the room next door.

Olivia notices his jaw clicking and his hands in fists on his lap. She'd never been in here before. She'd never been in his room before, or sat on his bed - and it was nice. The room had a dark aesthetic, but it was clean and well decorated.

"So, this is your room?", She asks casually, trying to relieve some tension.

"Yep.", Is all he manages to say. His voice hoarse.

"And this is your bed?", She jokes, patting the firm mattress beneath her. Brett watched the movement greedily, and Olivia felt her whole body heat up when she saw his hooded eyes.

Brett didn't say anything to her question, his eyes just found hers - pleading and open, vulnerable even. Silently, he begged for her to leave him here and to not press any sort of conversation. He was already angry and being sexually frustrated too would not help that.

"I should go.", She finally says.

Brett nods his head, resisting the urge to grab her and keep her here. His body and his mind were in constant conflict over this little lady. "Yeah," He finally says.

"You really should," He adds, his blue eyes darkening more.

Olivia nodded in agreement, but she made no attempt to leave. Brett noticed and almost groaned aloud when the realization hit. She wasn't leaving - not tonight. Not after the day they'd had.

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