19. How rough do you want it?

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Brett's POV

"It was lovely to meet you Lucy, you're welcome here any time.", Olivia said sweetly to the young girl standing near the front door beside my son.

I watched as Kyle watched Lucy with a huge smile on his lips. Oh fuck, I know that look.

"Thank you, you're home is lovely.", Lucy says, glancing between Olivia and myself. I didn't want to speak in case it scared her, so I just settled with a friendly smile.

"See you at school tomorrow.", Kyle said, turning his full body to face Lucy, who had turned to face Kyle.

My eyebrow raised automatically, but before I could watch whatever was about to happen, I felt a tiny grip on my wrist and then I was being dragged away towards the kitchen.

I looked down at the lady in question and sent Olivia a hard glare.

"You can't watch him say goodbye to a girl he clearly likes, that's too much pressure.", Olivia explains.

"Exactly why I wanted to watch him, so he wouldn't do anything inappropriate.", I replied curtly.

Olivia rolls her eyes and I find myself smiling down at her. She's so fucking beautiful - inside and out. She's seriously the only woman I could ever allow myself to like. Since Katherine, I don't think I'm capable to love but with Olivia, we just click.

She's so perfect.

I like her because we don't argue like me and Kate used too, I really hated arguing and usually it wasn't even my fault that we would argue.

Katherine was someone that I was with because of the normality of it. She'd given birth to my children, and it was the right thing to do to be with her and love her.

I did love her and I always will but I wasn't in love with her.

"Don't be such an old man," Olivia teased with a small smile. I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips, but my eyes searched hers for any sign that she was actually disgusted with my age.

She wasn't.

"Don't be such a young girl," I retaliated, watching her take a step closer.

No, no, no. My son is literally in the hallway leading to this room. But, I didn't step away. I don't think that I was capable of leaving Olivia.

"I am.", She shrugged, with a wink.

I laughed again, this time it was a real laugh and my belly hurt with the movements. Olivia giggled too, now standing right before me, her beautiful brown eyes peering up into mine with such trust as she always did.

Everything about her undoes me, and it's fucking terrifying.

I love her laugh and her smile and her humour. Fuck, she really is perfect.

"And i'm an old man.", I finally reply, my laughter dying down.

"Nah.", She shakes her head, placing her tiny palm flat against my chest. I swallowed and straightened at the small feather-light touch, my body reacting in all sorts of ways.

My cock hardened and my heart started beating too fast. Inhumanly fast.

"You're not an old man, you're a silver fox.", She finally whispers, her tone dripping with humour.

"You're not funny.", I snarl playfully, placing my hands on her waist, pulling her closer to me. "I don't have grey hairs yet, thankfully.", I add with a small smile.

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