35. This wasn't just lust anymore, and they both knew it

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Mature scenes and dialogue ahead, so beware and fucking enjoy! :)

Third Person POV

Brett pushed open the ladies restroom door, and stepped inside to see that Olivia was stood at the sink, washing her hands and checking over her makeup.

Oliva glanced to the door hearing it open, and looked away. Then, looked back when she realized who she'd just seen. "Brett?", She exclaimed, drying her hands with some tissue.

Brett watched her silently, smirking slightly.

Olivia was a literal angel in a building overrun and monopolised with devils and demons. She shone in that room back there, and Brett knew it, alongside every other man that looked her way. Brett didn't mind that she had their attention, he wasn't an insecure man... He didn't have any reason to be insecure.

"What are you doing in the ladies toilets?", She takes a couple of steps, now standing just before him. Her eyes looked up into his.

"What do you think, Olivia?", He finally speaks up. His hand that just moments ago, had pulled a trigger, now held her cheek in its palm. His rough and calloused and sinned skin, touched hers with little effort, and she allowed it.

Olivia had no idea of the sinful things that he had done, and the men that he had killed.

Brett hoped she would never know.

Olivia blushed, but leaned into his touch, placing her own hands against his chest. Palms flat against the hard chest that was covered by his shirt and blazer. The muscles were still bulging in her hands, and she wished that they were back at home.

"I'm not sure.", She lies, her own lips tugging upwards in a sly smile.

Brett raised a brow, and reached his second hand to her waist, planting it firmly there. "You're not sure?", He repeats, questioning her honesty. "You're a smart girl Olivia, why else would I visit my babysitter in the ladies room?", He teases, his hand upon her cheek slides down her side to her waist.

Gripping her, he lifts her up onto the counter, sitting her there.

Brett stands in-between her spread thighs and stares down at her - that domineering look causing her cunt to throb with a strong need for him.

"Oh, so I'm just your babysitter?", She glares at him, wondering if he still saw her as just his babysitter.

He didn't, and he had no shame in admitting that.

"No, Olivia.", He breathes, hands sliding down to her thighs, his thumb caressing the material that laid there. She shivered underneath his touch, and his stare.

"Then what am I, Brett?", She urged, tilting her head to the side.

But she was not expecting his reply.

"You are both my redemption and my damnation, Olivia.", He purred lowly, his voice so low.

Olivia felt her head beating so incredibly fast that it felt as if it might explode. Redemption; being saved from sin and evil... And damnation; being condemned to eternal hell.

She didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything, she leaned up and kissed him. She kissed him so hard that he almost stumbled backwards, but with immediate understanding he kissed her back with just as much force and intensity that she had kissed him with.

His hands found her cheeks again, and he held her face in his large hands as he allowed their mouths to latch on to one another. Their tongues to dance with each other. Their teeth to clatter together. And their souls to become one.

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