17. Would you like some birthday sex?

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Olivia's POV

My heart was beating against my chest, for two very separate reasons. The first reason was because of the heavy make-out session I'd just had with Brett-fucking-Black. And the second, was because someone was in my room.

I'd stayed here for too long, I had to make sure Brett was okay.

Of course, he's okay, he's a fucking brute.

"Brett?," I called out, walking towards my room. And when I got there, I heard his voice. What the hell was he doing in my bedroom? "Connor?", I stepped into my room, seeing Connor standing beside my window and Brett in the middle of the room.

They were staring at one another.

"We have a front door, you do know that right? Your mum knocked on it just the other day, did you forget?", Brett's voice was a sea of terrible calmness, which meant only one thing - he was fucking livid.

"Nope," Connor said, popping the p.

"Oh, so you're just a disrespectful little brat?," Brett asked casually.

"Sounds more like me, yeah.", Connor says, his gaze sliding to me. "Good evening.", He beams at me, his smile so wide that it was obviously fake. Brett looks over his shoulder, sending me a sharp glance, but he returns his gaze to Connor.

Before he could say anything else, I spoke up. "You climbed through my window?", I stepped further into my room.

"Yeah, it's pretty high up actually.", Connor mutters, looking back at the open window. "Could've broken a bone or something.", He playfully adds, his gaze finding mine again.

"What a shame," Brett muttered under his breath, his voice laced with sarcasm.

I sigh and place my hand on Brett's arm to get his attention. His eyes find mine and I send him a calming smile. "It's okay, I'll be fine.", I say softly. A flash of something charged shone in his gaze. Was that jealousy? Or worry?

I wasn't sure.

But eventually, he nodded. And with one last look towards Connor, he turned and left. Brett leaves the bedroom door open on his way out, so I close it myself.

"What the hell are you doing climbing through my window, that's so creepy!," I whisper yell, turning back towards Connor, who was now sitting in the seat in the corner of my bedroom.

He was making himself comfy? I watched him lean back in the seat and sigh.

"Are you kidding me? Get out!", I fold my arms across my chest, staring at him. Still, he says nothing. Connor just sits there and stares straight at me with a smug look across his stupid face.

The silence was deafening, and I thought he'd never speak up. But, he did... Eventually.

"That's not very neighbourly now, is it?", He teases, smirking smugly at me.

I lost it then. "And climbing through my fucking window is?", I march over to him and reach down to grab his arm. He chuckles and lets me pull him to his feet. "Get the hell out.", I point towards the window, letting go of his arm now.

"Or what?", He cocks an eyebrow.

"Just get out before I scream.", I shoot a hard glare up at him.

"So that's the guy, huh?", Is all he says whilst walking around me. I turn and watch him walk around my room, touching things that he passes. I'd never felt so angry - how dare he? "That's the guy who had a girl run from his cock.", He mutters mostly to himself.

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