30. He's sixteen years older than you

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Enjoy this chapter, a little family time - minus Kelly who's out with her ladies after being stuck with John for too many bloody years! :)

Please vote and comment, it helps me to keep motivated to continue updating daily, sometimes more than once a day.

Third Person POV

"Daddy!", Charlotte squeals when she sees Brett walking into the living room.

Brett was wearing a suit, black this time, with a white shirt underneath. His blazer was closed and he looked extra professional - which Olivia was wondering, why?

"Hello princess.", Brett crouched down, wrapping an arm around his daughter, who began chewing his hear off about a movie that she'd picked. He didn't hear any of it, he just smiled and watched her talking.

Olivia chuckled at the sight, and glanced over at Kyle, who was sitting on the sofa, phone in his hands, texting someone.

Probably Lucy, Olivia thought.

Lucy had left just before Brett had returned home - saying her dad had called her to come home.

"You told Olivia that you have presents!", Charlotte danced up and down, running back towards the sofa. She climbed on it and began bouncing up and down. Olivia smiled from the doorway and watched as Brett reached into a bag he had in his hands.

He pulled out a teddy for Charlotte - it was a pink unicorn. It was similar to the one she had, but it was pink instead of white. Pink - her favourite colour.

Olivia smiled when Charlotte squealed again, reaching for it with open arms. "Snow will have a friend now, thank you daddy!", She smiled up at her father with loving eyes.

"You're very welcome.", He chuckles, watching her begin to play with the unicorn - whooshing it through the air, as if it was flying. "And for you, son.", Brett spoke and Kyle's eyes found his fathers with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want anything," Kyle muttered.

"Here,", Brett huffed at his son, handing him a wrapped box. Kyle reluctantly opened it, to reveal a new Xbox controller, which was blue and black, with his name written across the top of the pad. Kyle's eyes widened at the sight. "It's for doing well in school, I'm proud of you.", Brett admitted, his voice low.

Kyle looked up at his father.

"Thanks, dad.", he said, his own voice low.

Brett only nodded, but Olivia was almost crying - these two didn't get along most of the time, and Brett wasn't good with showing his emotions and feelings towards Kyle, but he'd just told his son that he was proud of him.

This was good.

"What about Olivia?", Charlotte pouted.

Brett smiled at his daughters question, and his eyes find Olivia's. "I didn't forget about Olivia, don't worry Charlie.", Brett stepped forward, reaching into the bag to grab another box - this time it was white and looked... fancy.

Olivia raised a brow, but took the box from his hands.

She opened it, and her mouth fell open at the sight.

A necklace... A gorgeous fucking pearl necklace. These things... These things are expensive, is all she could think. Her eyes found his and he was already smirking down at her - as if he knew her exact thought process.

"It's a thank you, for being so good to the kids.", His smirk then turned into a smile. A real, genuine smile. And then Olivia threw her arms around him.

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