11. This conversation is over

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Later on that night, Brett and Olivia were sitting in the living room watching TV whilst Olivia read her book, when there was a knock on the door.

"What time is it?", Olivia asked Brett as he rose from the sofa, heading towards the window. He peeked through the curtains before looking over his shoulder at the nineteen-year-old.

"I think it's the new neighbours.", He said and headed to the front door. Olivia placed down her book and practically ran after him, eager to know who their new neighbours were. Brett opened the door and Olivia stood behind him, to the side. Her eyes widened when she recognised the boy standing with an older woman.

Connor. The guy from the bar that night.

"Of fuck," Olivia muttered to herself, but Brett caught it. He looked over at her with a raised brow before focusing back on the blonde woman and her son.

"Hi! We just thought that it'd be nice to come and say hello!", The woman squeaked and Brett fought the urge to shut the door straight in her face. "I'm Lorraine and this is my son Connor.", She smiled, holding out her hand to Brett.

Brett hated the fact that he recognised that name straight away. Connor was the guy that Olivia had spoken about the night she'd returned from drinking with her friends. He now fought the urge to turn to his nanny and laugh. Instead, he took the ladies hand with a restricted smile.

"It's nice to meet you.", he said, his tone monotone as it always were around strangers. "I'm Brett and this is Olivia," He finally stood aside, allowing Connor and Olivia to really notice each other. His lips tugged upwards, finally taking this time to look over her face.

She was as red as a beetroot.

"Hi," Olivia swallowed, shaking the ladies hand first. Connor looked just as shocked as Olivia did.

"Olivia?," Connor raised a brow. Brett just glanced between the two with amusement flowing through his veins.

"You two know each other?," Lorraine finally asks.

"Well we've met once before, at his work.", Olivia finally sighs, stepping forward to shake Connor's hand too. The blonde twenty-one year old just smirked knowingly at her. "It's nice to see you again,", she managed to say.

"Oh that is just great!," Lorraine clasps her hands together. "My husband is at work right now, and my daughter is doing some homework, but I'll make sure that they come to say hello tomorrow," Lorraine says with enthusiastically.

"That sounds good," Brett finally speaks up again, pushing his amusement aside.

"Is this your daughter?," Lorraine gestures to Olivia.

Olivia and Brett stiffen immediately. "What? No!", They both exclaim together.

"I'm the kids nanny, he's my fathers friend," Olivia answers nervously, making sure to not make eye contact with Connor because he knew about her liking Brett - and that made this so much worse.

"Oh, I'm sorry!", Lorraine laughs unknowingly.

Brett smiles calmly. "It's okay, we're just going to head to bed now. We look forward to meeting your husband and your daughter tomorrow.", he shakes her hand again, and sends Connor a curt nod. He closes the door when they turn to leave, and focuses on Olivia who's eyes were wider than he'd ever seen them.

"Oh god," She ran a hand through her hair.

"What is it?," Brett smirks.

Olivia says nothing for a long while, she just stares up at Brett with those wide eyes. Brett continued to smirk down at her, folding his arms across his hard chest. She watches his calm and collected and smug look grow across his handsome features, and resists her urge to slap him.

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