40. Sensitive little baby

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Please vote and comment, and yeah this is a time skip - enjoy :)

2 years later

Third Person POV

"Have fun!", Olivia ruffles Kyle's hair as he goes to leave with Lucy on their first official date. Kyle waves her off and follows Lucy out of his house.

Olivia chuckles, closing the door behind them.

Kyle was sixteen now, and looked more and more like his father every single day.

Charlotte was seven, and was at one of her friend's house.

And Brett... Brett was still dealing with the Russian Mafia. He didn't have a clue at first about what kind of people they were, but after killing a few of them, he'd discovered that they were more than just some gang - he had his hands full.

Which was why he had men watching his house constantly now, Adam and Liam usually.

They'd become his two most trusted men, and Olivia liked them so it was a win-win situation.

Right now, he was sitting in his office at home - on a call with a gang he'd become allies with in America. He'd realized that to deal with the actual fucking mafia, he'd need allies - and lots of them. So he had done just that, and now... He was more powerful than he had ever been.

"We look forward to seeing you, Mr. Killington.", Brett says, and then shuts off his laptop with a loud sigh.

And then, his gaze snaps up towards his door, when he hears a tiny knock. He said nothing, he just sighed again, rubbing his forehead with fingers. Stressed - was not the word.

And he still hadn't told Olivia anything, he'd just told her that he had everything under control. He hoped he did, anyway.

He was constantly worrying about everything, about whether his kids and Olivia were safe.

Kelly didn't live with them anymore, she'd bought a flat down town, near the offices were she worked. They saw her weekly, sometimes fortnightly.

John - they spoke to him even less, but Olivia did still speak to him.

He was her dad after all.

When the door opened without a response, he knew who it was. Olivia. His tired gaze finds hers and he watches her shoulders drop at the sight of him. He was so fucking tired all of the time - worrying and fighting and then being a father of a teenager and his little girl.

It was tiring.

Especially now that he's thirty-eight-years old. "Good evening, miss Davis.", he says lightly, his tone playful despite the tired look in his gaze.

"Good evening, sir.", She teases, swaying her hips to where he was sat.

Brett turns his chair, facing it to the side so that she could lap onto him, which she did. Smiling down at him, she cups his face in her hands, leaning down to press a gentle kiss against his mouth. "You look tired, Brett.", She whispers softly.

He chuckles against her mouth. "That's because I am.", He admits roughly.

Olivia sighs sadly, and Brett leans his head back, looking into her eyes with a raised brow.

"That's such a shame...", She rocks her hips against him a little bit and Brett groans, throwing his head back at the feel of her moving against his cock - which hardened almost immediately underneath her. He swallowed at how good it felt. "Looks like I'll have to satisfy myself tonight.", She cooed.

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