23. Never furious with you, Olivia

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Olivia's POV

I didn't have time to process that look in his eye, because his lips were on mine. He'd kissed me. Brett had made the first move - he never made the first move, not until now. As much as I wanted to keep kissing him and feeling him, I didn't want too.

Not after he'd just shouted at me like a child. The one person who had never treated to me like a teenager, or talked down to me, had done exactly that tonight.

My palms plant firmly against his chest and I push - I push lightly, but he doesn't need to be forced to stop. He still respects me.

His lips leave mine and I feel empty and sad at the loss of contact.

"Leave me alone.", I breath, gaze finding the floor again.

Brett said nothing. I could hear his breathing, it was so loud and heavy. I wanted to look up at him. I wanted to see what he was feeling or thinking - I wanted to look into those gorgeous blue eyes, but I knew that if I did, I'd forgive him.

I didn't want too. I wanted to be angry with him.

"Olivia -", He started.

My gaze snapped to his, silencing him with the hard look on my face.

Longing and regret shone brightly in those blue orbs, and I found myself wanting to touch him and comfort him. I wouldn't.

"Go away.", I try again.

"I'm not leaving you to cry.", His voice was rough and hoarse.

I tried not to bite down on my lip. I just stared up at him, keeping that same look on my face. One part of me wanted to slap him and the other wanted to drag him into my room and have him all over me. Fuck, I wanted that more than anything.

All day I'd had to listen to Connor flirting with me, and all I could think about was him. Brett.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you, I just-"

"You just, what?", I snap.

I heard him exhale heavily, as if he was debating on whether he should be honest or not.

It took him a moment, but when he opened his mouth - he was honest. Really fucking honest.

"I just fucking hated tonight. I had to sit there and watch you wear that fucking dress and talk and laugh with that stupid kid and I hated every single moment of it. Okay?", he looked a mess. His body seemed to stiffen and tense as the words kept spewing from his lips.

"I was jealous.", He spoke lowly, his frantic eyes finding mine again.

"J-jealous?", I didn't mean to stutter, but the emotion in his eyes and his tone had me weak in the knees.

"Yes. I was so fucking jealous. I'm fucking furious.", He snarled, stepping forward. I didn't move away. I didn't even think about moving away. I watched him with willingness and waited for him to say something. Or do something.

I wanted him to kiss me again - I wouldn't push him away this time.

He didn't shout at me because he saw me as a child, he shouted because he was...Jealous?

"Furious with me?", I breath, his eyes peering down at me with that same intensity as they always did. Just fucking kiss me again, please.

"No.", his tone was lighter now. "Never furious with you, Olivia.", He whispered, his hands cupping my face.

I swallowed and glanced between his lips and his eyes. "Promise?", I stand on my tip-toes, my lips centimetres from his. My heart was beating so fast that I felt sick with anticipation and the need for him to touch me.

"I promise. I fucking promise.", He said with so much raw emotion that it threw me off.

But not as much as him kissing me again did. His lips crashed against mine, giving me no room to disagree with the decision he just made for the both of us. I wouldn't disagree given the chance, anyhow.

I stumbled back, but his firm grip on my cheeks kept me upright. My hands found his waist and I gripped the shirt that laid there into my fists.

I heard the door shut, and knew he'd kicked it close.

There was no stopping now...

I could feel it in the kiss. The desire and the passion he felt for me. There was no stopping our emotions, and we both knew it.

And I'd never been happier.

Listen guys, I know this chapter is short. I was going to add it onto the last chapter but I didn't, so here it is now... :) I did it as a separate chapter because it's a different POV.

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