43. Because the woman that I love was raped by men that wanted to get to me!

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There isn't many chapters left now guys, probably around five more - if that, depending on lengths and stuff.

Please vote and comment, and I'll try and get it completed sooner for you guys - then I can go back and get some editing done. Fix some errors and things like that.

I'm so thankful for everyone reading and voting and commenting - it makes my day.

Olivia's POV

The next time I woke up, I awoke to the sound of gunfire and shouting - it was so loud that my ears rang. Each gun shot that went off, made my body quiver and shiver with fear.

I hope it's Brett.

Brett wouldn't be shooting his way in though... Would he?

Forcing my tired body to sit up, I did just that and started moving my wrists against the radiator, the metal of the cuffs and the radiator making a loud clinging sound. I couldn't scream for help, my mouth was so dry and my lips chapped.

I couldn't speak. I'd tried to speak by myself, I couldn't even whisper.

My body could only just manage to move a little bit, and now using all of my energy on moving my wrists, the loud clings rattled through the basement, echoing through the black room. The gunfire stopped soon after, and it was just the clanging of metal now.

I waited for someone to come down.

I waited for what seemed like hours.

And then there was a bright light, the light that always shone whenever someone opened the door to the basement. I swallowed my nerves and tried to keep my eyes open, but it was hard.


Please, Brett.

I begged anyone that was listening to my prayers. I needed it to be Brett, the only man that I'd ever trust to save me and find me. Not even my father - just Brett. Always Brett.

And then I heard a voice, a familiar voice.

"Boss, she's down here.", It echoed through the basement, and it wasn't Russian, no. It was Liam. Liam was here, which meant it was Brett. I stopped moving my wrists and let my body relax, falling back into the wall behind me.

My shoulders relaxed and my tired legs fell flat against the floor.

I was naked, completely and utterly naked now, but I didn't care.

They were here.

My eyes closed without my permission, and the last thing I heard before everything turned black was my name echoing into the nothingness.

My name over and over again.

And I could recognise that voice anywhere.


Brett was here.


When I awoke again, I awoke to the smell of disinfectant and the smell of a hospital. I hated hospitals, but right now... I was so fucking thankful to be waking up in one. My eyes opened to find that the room was lit dimly, and that my body was attached to a few tubes - I don't know what they did, but I felt better.

I felt full, as if one of the tubes were feeding me.

And I felt less... sore. I had more strength already, and that was probably because I was clothed and free from them horrible monstrous men.

"Olivia?", that voice... that voice that I'd fucking dreamt of. My eyes tiredly found the source of the voice and I smiled weakly at the sight of my mother standing beside my bed. Her hand was in mine, and she had tears rolling down her face.

She wore no makeup, and looked as if she hadn't slept for weeks.

"Thank god you're okay.", She cried, stroking my hand with her thumb.

Okay? I was safe now, yes. But okay? I was far from that. I couldn't tell her that though. Instead, I licked my dry lips and tried to nod my head, it hurt but I managed.

"We were so worried!", She added, placing a hand on my cheek - I almost flinched from the touch, but shut my eyes and forced myself to remain still. This was my mother... She wouldn't hurt me, or touch me like those men did.

I took in a deep breathe and opened my mouth to speak.

"The doctors said that you shouldn't try to talk or move yet. Your body is healing itself, you need to relax.", She explains quickly, stroking my cheek with her thumb. I open my eyes to look up at her face. She looked so tired... This was my fault. She's tired and upset because of me.

I listened to her nevertheless, and instead shut my eyes.

And it only took a matter of minutes for me to fall into a deep sleep.

Brett's POV

"I gave you an order Liam.", I breathe, leaning back in my chair, staring at the young man who dared to challenge me. I was too tired for arguing with him, I was too tired for anything. I just wanted to go and see my girl.

I wanted to hear her voice and see her smile.

But it would be a while till I could witness either of those things.

"Why?", Liam seethed. "We make most of our money through our illegal businesses and deals, Brett. Why would you get rid of the thing that makes us the most profit?", The young lad asks.

And just like that, I snapped.

I rose from my seat, and smacked my hands against the table, causing a few items to crash to the floor. My rage filled my entire body and I fixed my gaze onto Liam.

"Because the woman that I love was raped by men that wanted to get to me!", I roared, and the two men standing before me shivered in their seats.

The entire room seemed to shake with my voice.

Liam though, fell silent and sat absolutely still.

Adam too.

When that doctor had told us that she had been raped by those fuckers, I almost lost it right then and there. The ache that formed in my chest was what I imagined dying felt like. My mind went blank and I just thought about what Olivia went through... I couldn't stop thinking about what those men did to her.

I wish I'd have made their deaths worse.

I wish I'd had tortured them all.

Liam rose from his seat, snapping me out of my torturous thoughts. He nodded in acknowledgment and turned to leave. I watched him and then shifted my gaze towards Adam. "Stay here, watch my children. No one comes in and no fucking leaves, got it?", I ordered, rising from my desk.

Adam nods.

"Yes, sir.", He says.

And with that, I leave and make my way to the hospital.

It was time to see my girl.

Okay this was short, but the next chapter will be a little bit longer - it will include Brett and Olivia seeing each other properly for the first time since the whole kidnapping thing, and it will include him taking her home - and her first day at home.

And you will see how much she's changed.

I feel so sorry for her, and for Brett too..

PS. Did you see what Brett said to Liam? "the woman that I love" - Yeahhh :)

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