47. I'm so madly in love with you, Olivia

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Olivia's POV

Love. Love?

Did he just say that he loves me? I couldn't process what was happening right now, I couldn't process it when he'd spoke those three words, and I couldn't process it when he'd cupped my fragile face in his calloused hands.

I stared up at him, mesmerised by his face and by the words he had just spoken to me.


Brett Black loves me?

I swallowed and I felt my heart beating so wildly in my chest that I was afraid my bones might break at the impact of the movements. Brett was smiling to himself, glancing between my eyes and my lips, as if also mesmerised by the look of me.

I must look so stupid right now, my mouth agape and my eyes wider than usual.

Was I dreaming?

"I love you so fucking much, Olivia Davis.", He repeats, his voice more confident now. And before I could process what he'd just repeated, I felt his lips on mine.

My body froze. My heart seemed to stop beating. And my mind went dark.

Brett - this is Brett.

I kept repeating it, I kept telling myself that this was Brett. I trusted him with my body and my life, and eventually my body loosened up and my mouth opened - giving him access to kiss me more. I wanted him to kiss me more.

"I love you.", He moaned into my mouth, one of his hands sliding down my arm. The other resting on the side of my neck, stroking circles there. "I love you so much that every time I look at you my chest hurts.", he admits, voice hoarse.

His tongue searching my mouth for something - as if remembering the taste of me.

I wanted to cry. He was so fucking perfect.

So fucking perfect.

And I wanted him. I wanted this.

And with those thoughts, I pull away and peer up into his eyes, smiling.

"I love you too.", I whisper, finally.

His shoulders sag, as if he released a breathe he had been holding, and he beams a gorgeous smile at me. It was so big and so honest and so open that my chest ached with so much love and adoration for him that I felt a tear stream down my cheek.

I didn't get  a chance to wipe it away, because his lips were on mine faster than I could even blink.

The kiss was slow and passionate, nothing wild and nothing frantic - not like those men who used me. Brett loved me. He loves me.

"I'm so madly in love you, Olivia.", He groans, and at that sound, I lap onto him. Smirking against his lips, my hands find his shoulders, gripping them to stay upright. On the sofa - I'd make love to this man right here, I couldn't care less about anything else.

I wanted him inside me, to remind me of what it was to feel loved - not used. Loved.

His hands slide up my back, holding my chest to his, whilst his mouth devours mine.

The taste of his mouth and the scent of him was overwhelming, in the most amazing way possible. He smelt the same as he always did, manly and rough but sweet too. His mouth tasted like alcohol and minty toothpaste.

His lips seemed to melt against mine, and for the first time in a long time, I felt at home.

At peace.

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