14. Get the hell out of my house before I throw you out

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Olivia and Kelly fell silent at the sound of Brett's tone. Instead, the girls stepped aside, linking each others arms as they watched the two men stare at one another.

Brett looked calm, so calm and collected that it was terrifying.

John looked angry. Rage evident in his features.

"Stay the hell out of this, Black.", John finally said, glancing towards his wife. Brett simply raised an eyebrow, stepping into the room with one powerful stride.

"Don't make me repeat myself John, you know I hate having to do that.", Brett tried again, still remaining calm. His tone fuelled with authority and power and strength, but still so calm and collected. Even his body was relaxed.

John snapped his gaze to Brett. "You stay out of my business with my family, okay kid?", he snarled. Brett was only six years younger than John, but still John treated him like he was just a stupid teenager, it had always been that way.

Brett was used to it.

"I won't allow you to disrespect women in my house, especially not in front of my kids."

John raised an eyebrow, clearly shocked with how Brett was speaking to him. John was used to having control in all aspects of his life. Instead of saying anything back to Brett, he turned his gaze back towards his wife. "Let's go. Now.", He muttered, his eyes hard.

Kelly's gaze was fixed on her husband. Olivia was watching Brett with amazement and awe.

Brett took another step further into the room, his hands hanging loosely in his suit pockets. "Get the hell out of my house.", He ordered, his tone sharper now.

John laughed at that, turning his full attention back towards Brett. "Are you fucking serious? Shut the fuck up and-"

Brett laughed, interrupting his speech. "I'm sorry, who the hell do you think you're talking too?", Brett took another step into the room. His hard stare unwavering as he watched John. Fear slowly slid into his eyes as the realization hit.

Brett was not his wife. Brett would not let someone talk to him like that - especially not a man. Even John, who he'd known for years.

"You disrespect your wife and your daughter, in my house, in front of my damn kids. And then you speak to me like that?", Brett chuckled. He shook his head, licking his lips as he glanced down at the floor. His shoulders lifted and then dropped with a loud sigh.

"Olivia asked you a question.", Brett spoke up again. His gaze finding John's once more. "I'd like for you to answer her question, what the hell is going on with you?", Brett tilted his head to the side, waiting for a response.

"That is none of your damn business.", John snarled lowly.

"No, you're right.", He nods, smiling a little. His gaze shifts towards the two women in the corner of the room, Kelly's eyes filled with fright. Olivia's weren't - he wouldn't expect her to fear a man.

"Get the hell out of my house before I throw you out.", Brett's voice was hard and unquestionable.

"And until your ready to apologise to your family, they'll be staying here with me. They're welcome here for as long as they wish.", Brett added, staring straight at John.

"You're kidding.", John laughed.

"Get out.", Brett ordered. Olivia hadn't seen him like this before, and she hated that she was enjoying it more than she should.

"Or don't actually - I'm really looking forward to kicking your ass in front of your own family.", Brett added, his voice low. It was as if it was him letting out a small piece of a caged animal he had in side of him.

"And we both know that I can."

John's jaw ticked, and with one last look towards his wife and his daughter, he left.

Brett stayed standing tall, his face a beautiful mask of power, all until he heard the door slam behind John. Then, he let his shoulders slump and his façade fall too. His eyes found the two women and he glanced between them, his eyes lingering on Olivia a little longer.

"I am so sorry about him.", Kelly began.

"Don't apologise for dad being an asshole, mum.", Olivia interrupted her. "What's going on with him? Has something happened?", She asked gently.

Brett ran a hand through his hair, concentrating on letting his anger disintegrate.

"He's having an affair with a woman from work, he doesn't know that I know but I do. I saw the messages on his phone.", Kelly admits. Brett's head snaps up at that, his gaze finding Kelly's.

"What?", He breathed, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Her names Jessica.", She says, swallowing. "I hate that I don't have the confidence to confront him. I'm just afraid of what he will do if he knows that I know. He's been so horrible lately and-"

Brett spoke up, interrupting Kelly. "You have nothing to worry about Kelly, when I said that you're welcome here for as long as you want, I meant it."

Kelly smiled, thankful for his kindness. "I couldn't.", She admits, sadly.

"Yeah, you can.", Olivia says, leaning into her mum with a small sigh. "I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if you went home to him mum. I couldn't.", She whispers, her voice breaking.

Brett watched Olivia and her mother as they turned to each other, holding one another. He took in a sharp breath and looked down at the ground.

"I love you.", Kelly told her daughter.

"I love you too, mum. Always."

I know that this was short but it was necessary. Thank you so much for reading I'm so very thankful! Please vote and comment, let me know what you think so far. :)

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