32. You, apparently, specialise in control

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Brett's POV

"Good evening, gentleman.", I say, sounding bored whilst walking towards the group of seven men from down North.

They looked skinny, each and every one of them, looked skinny, very unlike my men from here.

"Mr Black.", One of them greets me with his thick Northern accent, it sounded like he was from Manchester.

"Sorry to bother you on this fine evening, but we have concerns about our deal together.", Another man speaks, he was a scouser, from Liverpool - that was obvious. I sigh at his sentence though - what now? Is all I can think.

"Concerns?", I raise a brow.

"Yes, sir.", Another Manchester-accent spoke out.

"Go on then, I haven't got all night boys.", I lean back against the brick wall, pushing my hands into my suit pockets as I allowed my gaze to fall over each and every one of them.

It was a power move - used strictly for business.

It was efficient too.

Some of their heads dipped at the hard look on my face, some stood taller - I respected that.

"We signed a contract, to have some of your men work down North for us, we haven't yet received any men.", The scouser chimes in, his accent was unique.

That is correct.

But, the original deal will not be happening.

"Which one of you lads go by the name of Callum Thompson?", I ask, tone still calm and collected.

I just wanted to enjoy my night with Olivia - and here I am talking business with a bunch of fucking scum.

"That'd be me, sir.", One of the older lads reply, he looks around my age.

"You can tell your friends here, that you're the reason that the contact was burned to ashes days after I had signed it.", I raise a brow, waiting for them to put the pieces together. Instead, they exchanged confused glances.

I sigh, and lean off the wall now. "I got word that you were in prison last year Callum?", I ask, but I already knew the answer. I had inside men working within the prison and police force - its one of the reasons none of my own men had been imprisoned yet.

"Yeah...", His head dips.

"Well, as you know, I work with criminals and drug dealers, not rapists.", I state, trying my best not to shoot the prick.

The men remain silent as that one word falls past my lips.

"I suggest you get the hell out of here before I shoot you.", I say looking at Callum, and then I shift my gaze towards the other men. "All of you.", I add.

And the men do just that — bastards thought I wouldn't fucking find out, either that or they assumed I wouldn't have a problem with it.


"Can I go and enjoy my evening now?" I mutter under my breathe, to no one but myself.

Olivia's POV

"I'm Olivia, what's your name?", I smile at the man standing beside me, he seemed stiff, as if he was afraid that he would indeed need to protect me with his life. What was Brett expecting to happen? A world war? I doubt that.

The man seemed to glance toward me for a short second, before looking out into the crowd of people dancing and talking. "Adam, ma'am.", He mutters. I raise a brow at the ma'am.

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