13. Happy 20th Birthday Olivia, From Brett

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"Goodnight Olivia," Brett says with a small smile. Olivia searched his blue eyes in attempt to see something - anything. She found herself always wondering what he was thinking about, and what he thought about her. Not knowing what he thought about her, killed her.

"Goodnight," She finally says, watching him disappear down the hallway. She closes her door and climbs into bed, almost instantly succumbing to sleep.

Brett found himself in the kitchen, finishing off the bottle of wine he'd opened for Olivia. He sat at the dining table, drinking and reading emails on his laptop, replying to some of the urgent ones. He was trying so hard to not think too much about the nineteen-year-old upstairs, but it was impossible.

He kept thinking about Connor, and if she liked him. Connor was around her age, and it would make sense if she did, it would be better for her. The moral part of Brett wanted her to like him, but that piece of him that worshipped Olivia, that side of him hated the idea of her with another man.

He sighed, shaking his head at his intrusive thoughts about Olivia. Always about Olivia.

"Daddy," That sweet voice surprised him, and he looked up from his laptop screen to see his daughter holding her teddy at the kitchen doorway. "I had a bad dream," She makes her way to Brett as he stands up from his seat.

Brett crouches down and lifts his daughter up in one swift movement. "It's just a dream Charlie," He says, stroking the back of her hair. Charlotte leans into his touch, hiding her sad face into the crook of his neck.

"It was about mummy and you were arguing like you used to when she wasn't in heaven," Charlotte sobs, and Brett stiffens.

Brett and Katherine used to argue a lot because they met when they were really young, and they married on the basis of lust - as many young people did. They argued a lot because they were so different but forced to be together because of the kids.

They tried to keep the arguments confined, so that the kids didn't hear or see anything but sometimes emotions got the better of them.

"I'm sorry baby.", Brett soothes her.  "I promise you won't have to hear daddy shout anymore, okay?", He says, moving her head from his neck so that he could look into her eyes. "I promise,", He smiled at her.

Charlotte smiled back. "You don't argue with Olivia like you did with mummy.", She whispers.  "That's why I like Olivia because she makes us happy.", She adds.

"Yeah," He sighs.

Charlotte yawns.

"Okay, back to bed little misses.", He chuckles, carrying his daughter back to her bedroom. Brett tucks her in and kisses her forehead. "Goodnight my little princess.", He says gently.

Charlotte yawns again. "Night daddy.", She sighs happily as she closes her eyes.

Brett leaves her room and heads back downstairs to tidy everything up before heading up to bed himself.

Okay so this next chapter is going to be a little drama-packed, so hold onto your seats. Ps. I just literally spelt seats wrong first time around - I spelt it 'seets', someone help me.

Anyways, enjoy! I'm so thankful for everyone voting and commenting. I'd like to personally thank certifiedsimpbabe and PeaceOutGrayTurtle for always voting and commenting lovely things. You truly have kept me writing! :)

Enjoy ladies and gentlefish.

The next few days went so fast, and the meeting with the Lawyers went really well. They'd decided to take action against the school as they felt that they had enough evidence to do so. Brett and Olivia were really happy to hear that.

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