33. Scared of a little truth, businessman?

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Hello, I have just got home, so here I am opening my laptop and writing. I do apologise if this chapter is shit or ends up being short, thanks for reading nevertheless.

I'm so thankful for everyone reading this book, and those voting and commenting are held dearly in my heart :)

What you guys thinking so far?

Third Person POV

"Nothing about what I do, and what my business consists of, could be construed as legitimate, Olivia."

Oliva felt her heart beat quicken at those words, and her pussy throb with a need to be touched and filled with him. Brett had just admitted to her, that he wasn't working in a legal business, and that he could potentially be dangerous and bad, but Olivia wanted him more than she'd ever wanted him before.

She swallowed her dirty thoughts, and straightened. Olivia didn't dare break the eye contact, nor did Brett.

"What?", Olivia asked, quietly.

Brett looked over her face, and his gaze momentarily dropped to her thighs as they pressed together under that sweet little dress. His lips begged to tug upwards, but he kept his face straight, calm and collected.

"No more questions, Miss Davis.", His voice was just as calm and as collected as his features were.

Olivia wanted to slap him for that, but she didn't. Instead, she remained just as calm as he seemed, and nodded her head once. "One more question, Brett.", She decided, beginning to walk around him. He stood still, head held high as she circled him on the dancefloor.

"If you didn't want me to ask questions... why bring me here?", She breathed from beside him.

Olivia wasn't stupid - when Brett said that she shouldn't ask questions, he meant that she shouldn't. He wanted to tell her things, and that was why she was here right now... He wanted to be honest with her and to tell her things, like he had said.

"You want me to know things, Brett.", She added, now standing before him, her eyes fixed on his. He stared down at her, his jaw clicked at the sight of her.

She looked so small here, in a room full of dangerous men, and he hated that it suited her. And that it suits her and it turns him on all at the same time.

"Why else would I be here?", Olivia raises a brow.

Brett eventually, lifts a hand out of his pocket, and places it on her neck - stroking the delicate skin that laid there. His gaze shifts between her beautiful, glossy eyes, and her plumped lips.

Olivia's gaze doesn't falter from his blue eyes, now so expressive, as if he was sick of hiding whatever it was that he was feeling. She couldn't recognise the glow held beneath that ocean blue, but she had never seen it before...

Not this intense.

"Stop talking Olivia.", He whispers, his second hand coming to rest on the opposite side of her neck, his calloused thumb dragging gently across her jaw. "Stop fucking talking, please.", He seems to beg, his gaze not fixed completely on her lips.

As if imagining how they'd feel against his right now, right here.

"Why?", She breathes, tilting her head back, to look up into his face directly. "Scared of a little truth, businessman?", She teases, smirking up at him.

He shook his head, leaning his head further down, his lips only a couple of inches from hers.

His gaze snaps up to her eyes, to see she was already watching him.

"I'm scared that if you say one more word, I'll bend you over in front of all of these fucking men, and take you.", He says, his voice wickedly calm. "And you'd fucking enjoy it.", he adds, leaning down to press a gentle kiss upon her lips.

She let's him, her eyes closing in the process.

It was only one kiss. One peck. So gentle and soft that it was as if he hadn't just admitted to wanting to fuck her in the middle of the fucking room.

"You're an asshole.", Olivia says against his lips, nothing about the tone of her voice was mean or angry, it was soft and gentle. As if she was trying to talk herself out of whatever it was that she was thinking about.

Brett smirks against her mouth, he opens his mouth and takes hers again - this time more meaningful and deeper. "I prefer businessman.", he teases, before taking her mouth again, owning it and devouring her with only his tongue.

"Or sir.", he adds, and her thighs clench together once again.

"I hate you.", She says, pulling her lips away from his to look up at his face.

He shakes his head. "Keep telling yourself that Olivia, maybe one day you might start to believe it, huh?", he kisses her again, giving her no time to pull away.

She wouldn't though, even if he had given her the option and time too.

Her hands find his chest, and she clutches the material there.

This was so wrong - even more so now that Olivia knew more about him, but still... They didn't care.

"You think that I'm joking?", She moans into his mouth.

Brett chuckles, and pulls back, his hands sliding up to her cheeks, looking down into those brown orbs. He tilts his head to the side, and raises a brow.

"Am I laughing?", He asks, voice hoarse.

Olivia moaned in response, reaching up to kiss him again. She didn't care who could see, she didn't care at all. This man would be the death of her, and her fucking cunt.

This man is so fucking sexy, like can I be Olivia please?

What are we thinking ladies and gents? Let me know in the comments.

Please vote and comment, it only takes a second, and writing this books is taking ages. I'm enjoying it though, but your votes and comments give me motivation :)

Thank you for reading, I hope you're day is going well.

Like I said at the beginning of this chapter, it is very short - but I'm drained to fuck.

Need. Sleep. Now.

Goodnight :)

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