41. I hadn't told him that I loved him

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Please do vote and comment though, it gives me motivation.

I'm not sure whether to finish this book in a couple of chapters or in about ten? Let me know which option you'd prefer.


Oh yeah, this chapter is a little bit... You'll find out anyways! Happy reading!

Olivia's POV

"So you had a good day then with your friend?", I ask Charlotte as we walk home. I'd just collected her from her friends birthday party - and it was getting late now, and it was dark outside. Her friend only lived a few streets away, but because it was dark, I wouldn't let her walk home alone.

"Yeah! She had pink cake as well!", She exclaimed, holding onto her goody back which she'd received as a thank you for coming.

And just as I was about to reply with something stupid, my eyes land on two men approaching us. They had their heads down, but were wearing suits - they looked dodgy as fuck in other words.

When the worry quickly seeped through every fibre of my body, I reached for Charlotte's arm and pulled her behind me, holding onto her arm still as I stood in front of her. "If I say run Charlotte, you run home and don't stop until you get there, you got it?", I whisper.

I feel her tense up under my hold, and I feel for her right now, but I had to make sure she was safe first, and then I could worry about her feelings later.

"Olivia?", One of the men speak, and he has a thick accent. Russian.

"Miss Black.", The second man says, his Russian accent thick with humour as he peers behind me at the little-girl that I was shielding with my body. "You're coming with us.", He orders - and then before he could reach for either of us.

I say it.

"Run!", I whisper yell, and let go of her arm, hoping she would actually run.

I don't turn around, I don't let my gaze falter from the two men, but I can hear her little feet moving against the floor at a rapid pace, the sound getting lighter and lighter the further away she got from me.

Safe. Charlotte would be safe.

I didn't run too, only because I knew if I did they'd chase us.

I had to stay and keep them occupied so that Charlotte would be safe.

"Who the hell are you?", I ask them, my heart beating against my ribcage. My head was hurting with the overwhelming fear that was flowing through my body, but I stood still, staring at the two men who were both Russian.

I know that they have something to do with Brett... I don't know any men from Russia.

"The boss isn't going to be happy that the little one got away.", One of them mutter, whilst the second one reaches for me.

Not on my watch. Lifting up my right foot, I slam my foot in-between his legs, and hit him straight in the balls. "Your wife isn't going to be happy about that either.", I pant, pushing him away from me with my hands then.

I fought one of them off, but the second man slaps me so hard that I see stars.

And just when I'm falling to the ground - everything turns black.

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