34. The cheating bastard who broke her heart, huh?

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Oliva's POV

"I saw you with the boss, little peach.", And god I hadn't heard that nickname since...


Since... Ben?

I look over my shoulder, and see my ex boyfriend standing a few feet away. He was wearing a suit, with his hands in his pockets, staring at me as if he hadn't broken my heart and cheated on me. He worked for Brett and my father?

My dad?!

"What the-", I begin, but he doesn't let me speak. Does he think I'm still that same little peach? If he does, he is extremely mistaken - so fucking mistaken.

I only left Brett to go to the ladies room, and here I was, talking to my fucking ex.

"What is your business with Black?", he asks, casually.

I scoff at the audacity that he has to ask me questions about my life. "What my business is with Brett, or with anyone for that matter, is none of your fucking concern.", I snarl, keeping my voice low in attempt to keep attention from being drawn to us.

Ben seems surprised. "First name basis with the boss, fuck, you must be a real cheap whore.", He chuckles and that familiar bolt of shame and humiliation shocks through my entire body. I stand taller though, and keep my gaze on him.

Fucking prick.

"Leave me alone, Ben.", Is all I say, beginning to turn on my heel to head to the ladies room. I thought I missed him and still loved him but... This interaction has cleared my perspective on that.

"Olivia.", He states, and I freeze in my movements. I don't turn back to face him, I just stand there with my back to him, waiting to hear whatever it is that he has to say. I swallow and stay still. "Nice fucking dress, if you'd like some good dick again, let me know.", He chuckles.

And that was that.

I whip around faster than lightning, almost giving myself whiplash in the process.

"Good dick?", I laugh harshly. "I don't know about you, but I don't class dick that's been in every fucking woman in town, good dick. But if that's the case, then a cheap whore sounds perfect for you Ben.", I shoot at him, rage glazing my stare.

He stares at me, obviously surprised at my attitude.

"Leave me the fuck alone.", I snarl, and then turn on my heel to head to the ladies room.

I don't look back that time.

Not when I know he's watching me.

And not when I hear him mutter something under his breath.

Fuck him. I don't need him.

Brett's POV

Who the fuck is she talking to? She looks angry and upset, even.

Who the fuck is making her sad?

And with that question echoing in my mind, my legs begin to move before I could process what I was doing, and then I was standing in front of him. I recognised him. John had hired him and trained him up last year - his name was Ben.

I say nothing, when he turns to see me standing only a few feet away, my gaze fixed on his religiously.

"Boss.", he nods in acknowledgement. I almost laugh out loud when he tries to walk away, I step closer to him and his gaze snaps up to mine again.

"You know Olivia?", I ask, stupidly and infected with jealousy and worry.

Ben seems surprised by my question, he answers nevertheless. "Olivia? Yeah, we go way back.", He says, humour laced thick in his tone - fuck that fucking attitude, Ben.

My hands itch to reach for my gun tucked neatly into my pants.

He isn't worth it - not more blood on my hands - I don't need that. Not now, not when I have my children and Olivia. Not when I am happy.

"How is that?", Is all I ask.

He shrugs. "I dated her for a while, we broke up not so long ago actually.", he explains.

And then it all clicks together...

Ben... The older guy who cheated on Olivia? Makes sense, looking at this prick, it makes sense. Egotistical bastard. No wonder John fucking hired him.

"Ah.", I laugh silently. "The cheating bastard who broke her heart, huh?", I allow my gaze to fall over his attire, he was skinny and pale and reeked of weed. Ben's mouth falls agape at my statement, which only leaves me smirking.

"She didn't wanna fuck, you know how it is.", He shrugged, as if Olivia had meant nothing to him.

He'd just changed my mind on everything.

It is worth having more blood on my hands.

And with that single thought alone, and the picture of Olivia crying over him in the back of my mind, I reach for my pistol without a hint of hesitation.

I lift the gun.

Aim it at his head.

And pull the fucking trigger.

I watch as his blood splatters across the wall behind him, and his body falls limp to the floor. The silencer on my gun meant that the gunshot blended in with the loud music playing only round the corner.


Olivia would walk back soon, and see this.


Looking over my shoulder, I see a man approaching us - Adam. "Clean this up, and expect another thousand in your wages this week. Make it quick, got it?", I order, and Adam looks down at the dead body laying on the floor.

I see a flash of terror spike in his eyes, but he looks back at me quickly, giving me a curt nod.

"Yes, sir.", Is all he says.

And with that out of my mind, I turn and head straight towards the ladies room.

It's time to distract the fuck out of my girl.

And I put emphasis on the word fuck.

I know I said I was too tired, but as I was laying in bed, I realized that you deserve more. So, here is another short chapter to make up for the last short chapter - see these two as together basically, so it's like I still posted a longer chapter :)

What the fuck do we think about Brett!? He just fucking shot Ben.

I think from here on out, we're going to be seeing a different side to the gentleman Brett. And to be honest, I can't wait.

Enjoy :) Please vote and comment and I'll read your comments when I wake up in the morning.

Thanks for reading guys :)

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