45. I know about you and Brett

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Please vote and comment, I think that they're will be a short flashback scene at the end of this chapter too, just to understand the first half.

Anyways, vote and comment. Not long left till this book is finished completely, enjoy.

Olivia's POV

Brett had left this morning, to go home and to see the kids, and now my father was here. He hadn't said two words to me yet, partly because I hadn't even looked him in the eye. I don't know why but I'm not comfortable with any man, not even my father or the doctors... Only Brett.

"Olivia," My father rasped, his voice sounding so unlike his own. It was rough and sore, like mine, as if he was on the edge of tears.

And with that single thought alone, my gaze finds his. His brown eyes are bloodshot and glossy, as if he had been crying a lot - for hours, maybe even days.

"I'm so glad that you're okay.", He admits, walking closer to the bed. My body stiffens and my mind focuses on that one word that everyone keeps using - okay. I am not okay. Can't they see that?

I only nod my head, and watch him sit down on the chair beside my bed. The chair that Brett had moved there to sit closely to me, to talk with me about the kids and make me smile. I love Brett so much, he's my safe haven, my anchor and my love.

My one true love, a part of me would always love him, no matter what.

I knew that.

"Olivia, I have something to tell you.", My father's voice interrupts my dreamily thoughts about the man that I love.

But what my father says next, nearly causes me to pass all over again.

"I know about you and Brett.", He states, eyes still bloodshot and glossy, but his features hard. Oh come on dad, this isn't the time and place for a fucking lecture. I'm on deaths door, literally.

I press my lips together and raise a brow, wondering on how to respond. Do I deny it? Does Brett know that my father knows? What the fuck is the correct way to respond to that statement - is there even a correct response for that? I don't think so.

I rack my brain for an answer, but all I can think to ask is.

"How?", I breathe, voice still broke and throat sore.

My father drops his gaze to his lap and lets out a small chuckle. "It was pretty obvious to see his true feelings towards my daughter when he found out you'd been kidnapped.", his eyes find mine again. I try to see any shape of hate and anger, but I don't see anything.

"He was out of his fucking mind, more than usual.", My father chuckles.

I find myself giggling alongside him.

And then the silence grows over the room, and we stare at one another.

My father swallows and nods his head. "I'm not angry, sweetheart.", he admits. "Just a little pissed off with the man I'd called my friend for half of my life.", He sighs, eyes finding his lap again. It must be hard for him, the man so close to his age, having feelings towards his daughter.

And what comes out of my mouth next, shocks me into oblivion.

"I love him, dad.", I whisper, voice shaking with soreness.

My fathers gaze snaps up to my face again, his eyes slightly wide for half a second. His face soon relaxes when he realizes that what I'd said wasn't a lie or a joke. It was the truth - nothing but the truth. I love Brett more than my own life.

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