5. You ran away from his cock?

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I'd decided on a tight red dress that hugged my curves perfectly. My thick thighs were on show, but I'd learned to love them recently - they were beautiful, and men seemed to like them, so why shouldn't I? I straightened my hair and put on a little bit more makeup than I usually do.

"Oh my god, you look like a princess!", Charlotte squealed as I walked into the kitchen to say goodbye to everyone. I laughed and glanced down at myself. I'm not sure what kind of Disney princesses she's been watching, but I'm sure if they wear dresses like this, they are not appropriate for children her age. Kyle was now standing in the kitchen too, a can of coke in his hands as he slides his wide eyes to me.

Teenagers and their hormones. I smile at Kyle and then look down at Charlotte who was now grabbing at her fathers shirt, tugging at it. "Look at Olivia daddy, isn't she beautiful!", She orders, still gaping at me as she does.

Those intense, smouldering blue eyes find mine and fix me into my place. My feet seemed to be glued to the ground. I couldn't take my own eyes from his. At first he stared into my own gaze, but slowly and so reluctantly, he allowed himself to look over my attire. My figure, even.

His gaze lingered for a half a moment longer in certain places. For example, my bare neck, my breasts that were on show for the world to see, and then my waist, my hips and my thighs. I let my arms dangle idly at my side, waiting for his response.

Kyle and Charlotte waited too.

"Your father would kill me if he knew I was letting you out of the house looking like that", His husky tone shocked me into oblivion. I wait for his eyes to find mine, and when they do. He smirks. "You look absolutely ravishing.", He finally admits, and my pussy throbbed again.

Ravishing - there was something about that word, and the way it rolled off his tongue made me want to drop to my knees right then and there. Instead, I forced a calm smile on my lips and simply thanked him. "Thank you, Brett.", I force the heat rising to my cheeks back down into the depth of my nervous stomach.

"Have a nice night, Olivia." He then says, forcing a normal smile to his lips. I can see the pain in his eyes as he stares at me. I can see the longing and the desire that we both kept pushing away. It had to be pushed away. He lost his wife and was broken in so many ways. He was my fathers friend and business partner.

It was forbidden. We are forbidden. And it only made me want him more.

"I'll see you tomorrow.", I say and crouched down, my ankles hurting in the heels. I sigh at the pain and wrap my arms around Charlotte when she hurls herself at me. "Be good for daddy, okay?", I whisper, stroking the back of her head.

"I'm always good.", She insists and I chuckle.

"You are.", I reply and rise to my feet, sending Kyle a look that told him everything, but I decided to speak it too. "And have you done all of your homework for Monday?", I raise a brow.

He shakes his head simply. "Nope.", He smiles knowingly.

"Then tomorrow we will finish it, okay?", I point my finger at him and he rolls his eyes, but smiles.

Brett lets out a little laugh at that too. "Are you sure you will be up for that tomorrow? I wouldn't want you tutoring my son with a gruesome hangover.", he eyes me from the side and I roll my eyes at the father-like tone and look present on his face.

It was hot and attractive, though. You know? All of that Freud shit.

"I don't get hungover.", I stare at him, testing his patience. It was the truth though, I was blessed with only a small headache the morning after. Sometimes I didn't eat the day after, other times I would eat everything and anything. But never any sickness.

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