36. Is that code for something else?

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I know I say this every single chapter but I really am thankful for everyone reading and those voting and commenting! It means more than you know.

Olivias POV

"How much have you had to drink?", My mum asks, tucking me into my own bed as if I were sixteen years old again, but I'm not. I'm just extremely drunk and tired and...emotional.

"I don't know...", I lie - the real answer was a lot. I'd had a lot to fucking drink.

My tiny hands fist the sheets and bring them up to my neck, shuffling into the mattress some more to get comfier. Looking up into my mothers eyes, I notice something that hasn't been there in a long time, happiness.

"Thank you, mummy.", I pout playfully up at her. Kelly laughs and strokes my hair. I missed her, I miss her all of the time - my mum was my best-friend and I loved her more than life itself. I always had and I always will... I'd be lost without her.

"Brett said that you both had a good night?", She asks innocently.

I nod my head. "He's lovely.", I smile, trying my best to act as casual as possible, as if I hadn't fucked him in the restroom on the actual fucking floor. My thighs clench just at the memory of it. Brett fucking Black was something else.

"Lovely?", She bounces her eyebrows, still stroking my hair gently.

I close my eyes and hum in response. "He's a nice man," I agree, backing myself up.

"He's a great man, but he still works with your father Olivia.", She whispers.

My eyes snap open at that. What the hell does that mean?

The look on my face must've been enough, because she sighs, and sits down on the edge of my bed. Her face looks sad now, and my heart begins to beat a little faster. Why was she sad?  Forcing my tired limps to cooperate, I sit up and lean back against my headboard.

"Brett seems nice, but so did your father at first Olivia... Whatever business they're in, it isn't good and it isn't normal business.", She explains.

I almost screamed then and there. Brett was not like my father, nothing like my father.


"Brett isn't the same as dad, he's nothing like him.", I reply, tone gentle.

"Olivia, they've been friends longer than you have been alive, don't be so naïve.", She sighs sadly, placing a hand atop mine which was laid flat on the bed cover. "I can see the way you look at him, and I know Brett sees you as a woman now, I'm not blind or stupid.", She admits, eyes finding mine.

My lips press tightly together, and I resist the urge to swallow.

Instead, I just raise a brow, acting as casual as I can. "What do you mean?", Is all I say.

"Olivia.", She says, motherly.

I drop my face into my hands and sigh at her. She's so observant, why does she have to be so bloody observant.

"Nothings happened.", I look her in the eye, and lie.

She chuckles. "I hope not, he's old enough to be your father.", She scolds, eyes staring into mine. Oh shit. Act normal. Act so fucking normal, Olivia. Please.

I let out a little giggle and glance down at my hands that were now on my lap. "He is.", I agree.

"Olivia?", My mother whispers, and my eyes find hers again.

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